1. Clingy gf♡

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Hey there! I just wanna put a disclaimer here, I am not the best at writing and English isn't my first language either so bare with me here please! There's gonna be pet name such as; princess, prince, sweetie,sweetheart, pumpkin, and hon! (I might add more later on) this is also my first book on writing one shots, rn I only have my book on fanart for other fics(which I haven't updated)anyways let's get on with the story>_<

It was late at night, around 9:30 and koby had to leave as his mother expected him home by 8 but you being clingy started having a tantrum.

"Noo! I don't want you to leeeeave!"
You say as you roll all over the bed as if having a tantrum like a child.

"I'm sorry! It's getting late and you know how my mother gets when I get home late." Koby sighs, then an idea popped up in his head.
"Here why don't I let you borrow my hoodie! You can put it on your big bear I got you for valentines! It'll be like I'm here!"
He says as he gets up from your bed full of blankets, pillows, and plushies.

"Augh but it won't be the sameee!! Please stay! I'll ask my mother to talk with your mother! So you can stay the night!" You say happily with your idea.

"As nice as that would be, I would still like to get home and clean myself off" he says nervously, knowing you won't take no for an answer.

"You can shower here!" You say as you get off your bed and head into your closet.
"After all, I have clothes I've stolen from you here!" You say with a smile on your face.

"No wonder I'm missing clothes..." He mumbles to himself.
He grumbles
"Okay fine I'll stay for the night!" He smiles at you.

You jump a little from excitement
"Yayy!!!" You run up to him and give him a big hug. "eeeeee!!!" You squeal. You get off him and grab an extra towel you got just for him. "Here!" You say as you hand him his pink towel.

He grabs it and nods. He goes in your closet and grabs his clothes for the night and heads in for you shower, but before he does that he gives you a quick kiss on the forehead.

You jump on your bed squealing and blushing. You sigh to yourself "man am I lucky to have such a cute and sweet boyfriend!!!"

20 minutes later♡

Once koby gets out of your shower he gets dressed and brushes his teeth.
He gets out to the sight of you hugging the big pink bear with his hoodie on he got you. He thinks to himself "aww, how cute!"
He lays down with you as you wake up.

You smile at him and get up to brush your teeth (don't worry you took a shower earlier) after that you came back to koby already under the covers and sleeping.
" he looks like such an angle when he's sleeping! Not saying he isn't already one.♡" You whisper to yourself. You go on your side of the bed and get under the covers with him and cuddle up to him.

He instinctively cuddles up to you as well.

You think to yourself how you managed to acquire such a cute boyfriend. And on your first try too! You'll definitely marry him and have a house and have a family and- woe there! Don't get ahead of yourself y/n!
You giggle to yourself silently and embrace your boyfriends warmth. You lay your head on his neck and slowly fall asleep to his sweet scent.
Goodnight y/n♡

The next morning♡

You slowly wake up as you hear birds chirping and singing. You slowly get up and look out your big window, the sky looking like beautiful shades of pinks and dark navy blue, colors that reminded you of your boyfriend.
You then realize as you pat the side of his bed.
You quickly look to his side of the bed and find nothing but your teddy bear and a note.
You slightly start to tear up as you already miss the presence of your boyfriend. You then read the note.

Sorry I had to leave early princess! Mother called me to get home and so I had to go. I promise I'll repay you back somehow my love!
Hugs and kisses!

You bite the neck of your shirt and sob at how sweet he is. "You meanie! You'll have to repay me back by staying two nights now!" You say to yourself. You sigh
"Guess I can forgive him this time♡"

The end.

Whoo! We finally got through! Here's a drawing for you guys of koby and y/n!^_^ Maybe I'll make one of these cute lil moments each time I come up with a one shot

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Whoo! We finally got through! Here's a drawing for you guys of koby and y/n!^_^
Maybe I'll make one of these cute lil moments each time I come up with a one shot. As you can see here you're being very clingy to koby lolz^_^
Anyway, I hope you guys have an amazing night/day! I'll see you guys in the next one! Bye bye my little flowers!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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