Getting ready

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"So Karen you and my brother huh" I said smirking 😏 "what no you and my brother huh " she said blushing 😳 " A - he's not your brother and B- you and my brother huh y'all would be cute af😂 " I Said laughing "you know you like lalo" she said looking at me weird "I do not and even if I did like him he likes Britnee he even told me " "ok think what you want but for now go shower " she said smirking at her phone "okayyyy " I said kind of worried
*Karen's P.o.v*
I had an idea to get them together but I also remembered she was missing her friend Steven he meant a lot to Her because they were good friends but after a really big fight they haven't talked in months I decided to text him cause I want them to make up I'm not on the best terms with him cause I cussed him out and told him I was gonna beat the crap out him if he dared to hurt alexis again I have his contact as gay ass steven😴👊
Me: hey dibshit 😒 well as you know I hate you but I need you and alexis to make up because she hasn't been the same
Steven: hey kare bear,😂 and yes I know you hate me but why do you want us to make up I mean I get she hasn't been the same but weren't you the one who didn't want her to talk to me 😔
Me: yeah I was but I regret it I don't want to see alexis upset or anything cause you know she's like my sister 😊💗 so if you hurt her nigga I swear imma beat the living shit out of your fucken ugly ass 😋
Steven: your a bitch😤 but what do you want me to do
Me: excuse me I'm not a bitch well only to you but to everyone else I'm a kare bear and just text her saying sorry and if she wants to go to the skate park with you at around 2 so you guys can catch up Or whatever the fuck you guys do and I say 2because I still need my Nigga
Steven: you cuss to much 😒👊 but alright and we do a lot of stuff😏
Me: fucken perv😤
Steven: you see what I mean😒 & you know it and plus alexis is mine so 😏💗
Me: no since you left she likes someone else 😏😈 so no she's not yours
Steven: whattt😩 who's the other guy
Me: I gtg bye 😂
Steven: tell me
Me: bye
Steven: fine then😤👊 bye
*end of convo*
I was about to text Brian when Danny comes in Alexis's room shirt less "hey alexis come fi-" he stopped and blushed this kid is so weird omg but I love him😋💗 "oh hey Karen I didn't know you were here" "hey Danny and yeah I got here after the phone call from alexis " I smiled "oh okay well when alexis gets out send her to my room please " he said returning the smile "yeah of course" I said smiling like crazy "okay thanks " he said walking out . I heard the water in the bathroom turn off so I decided not to text Brian after all alexis FINALLY got out and asked me why I was smirking at my phone earlier "oh cause of what Brian said "I lied "oh okay " she didn't seem to believe me but didn't say anything about it "oh your brother came looking for you " I blushed at the thought of him coming in shirtless 😏😩 "oh okay thanks " she said walking out
*Alexis's P.o.v*
"What do you want " I asked Danny " A- why didn't I know she was coming & B- help me fix up my look " he said " A- that outfit makes you look gay af 😂 and b- when I was talking on the phone with her she said she was out side " I said laughing "stfu and help me " he said whining "okay so wear this diamond shirt and these shorts" I said throwing him the stuff I found "ok thanks sis " he said kissing my forehead "eww now I have cooties😴😂 " I said laughing "shutup you love me "he said giving me the 'really Nigga' look "whatever helps you sleep at night bro 😂imma go finish getting ready " I said laughing I walked back to my room and changed In to a black crop top and white high waisted shorts while Karen wore a white crop top that said "lame" and black high waist shorts I guess you can say We matched sort of I had Karen curl my hair and I straightens hers we were only going to britnee's house to chill but still I felt in the mood to have my hair curled my mom started driving us me and Karen were talking when I felt my phone buzz so many times I had 5new messages
Steven😈❤️✨- hey alexis 😔 I know it's been forever since we actually talked and I feel bad cause it's all my fault I should have believed you meant everything to me you were my bestfriend 😌 my nigga my p.i.c 😁I'm so sorry can you forgive me please I know I don't deserve it but please please forgive me 😔😭😩❤️ please text me back 😔

Me- of course I forgive you you mean the world to me if I hadn't met you my life would suck 😔 ilysfm bestfriend 💗😩
Then I checked the others

Lalo😈❤️- babe 😩 where you at 😩😂😂

Me- how'd I go from bestfriend to babe 😏😂 & were like a block away 😂🆒

Britnee💗😊- bitch where tf are you guys 😒😂

Me- chill bitch I'm almost there 😂

Bryan😊🆒-hey call Chris he needs to talk to you a.s.a.p

Me- alright I'll call him rn😩

Mari😈💗- hey so I heard something text me back 😏

Me- hey hoe whatcha hear😐

As I was about to call Chris but I got a call from 'unknown -caller ID' so I answered hesitantly

Unknown- hello is this ms. Alexis Vasquez
Me- umm.. yes this is can I ask who's this

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