10. A smile worth everything

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There are mistakes one makes because the end result brings them some satisfaction, even at the cost of something, like getting high, but it didn't cost Jungkook something, he knew it would cost him everything for the mistake he committed. Jimin was the creature that one finds in the woods. It lures you off the road and you gladly follow it. To your doom.

He heard his mother tell him hundreds of horror stories as a kid, but there was something common in all of them. It was how everyone made the same decision to get lured off. Albeit the stories were common, they never learned a thing.

He could now see why. Jimin was the moss green of the dark forest, black of a relinquishing supernova, the icy cold of the highest peak. How could he have thought of running in the opposite direction when he wanted to explore the unexplored? 

After Jimin warned him to not wear anything anyone gave him, because he said it would never work to keep him away, he let him go home after three days. 

It was a constant bliss of Jimin's body on top of him, under him, in front of him, and behind him as the man fucked him with a virility that would bring Stallion to shame. Jungkook knew he was just a toy for Jimin for whom the man was a tad more than possessive. Nothing less, nothing more. Like a favorite whore.

Jimin didn't make Jungkook go mindless with lust for those three days, and that only made the teenager feel all the more dread. It settled deep in his belly. He couldn't sleep at night, the dark shadows under his eyes were screaming proof of that. Every time he tried, he ended up gasping for air after seeing nightmares that seemed too real. 

He was scared of Jimin now, wholly, but his lust was bigger than his fear. On the fourth day when Jimin appeared in his room, he was determined that he would talk to the man, and reason with him to leave him. After all, he never tried that. He was fifty percent sure that the man would listen to him. But when Jimin sat on the edge of the bed and patted his thigh, Jungkook found himself obeying his silent command. 

He sat on his lap and then the man started kissing him like he wasn't a toy, like...he meant so much more to him? 

Jimin kissed him gently at first, gouging his reaction, and then went harder, his tongue crashing to find Jungkook's. The boy moaned, knowing he was being loved and cared for at that moment, then Jimin took off his clothes and kissed his body like he was celebrating him. 

Jungkook eyes were teary with a heady feeling. When Jimin entered him slowly, gentler than before, he didn't ask Jungkook if he was okay. Instead, he asked what was he thinking. Jungkook was afraid in an instant, his eyes widening, thinking Jimin must also have a way of peeping inside people's minds because he sure knew messing with their heads, but Jimin almost looked ashamed for a moment after seeing the younger's reaction before he asked Jungkook to hold onto him tight. 

Jungkook did, out of fear more than obedience at that moment, and Jimin kissed his mouth over and over, shielding his body in the warmth of his own. Jungkook didn't speak to Jimin after. When the pain came in the morning, Jimin soothed him and made him whole again.

It kept going every night after that night.  

A week later, Jungkook was feeling better today, the anxiety slowly fading, seeing his parents were back from the temple. They were slipping into their normal and old routine, but it really wasn't the same for Jungkook. He knew once he closed his bedroom door, he would find Jimin there, ready to make him feel all kinds of way. 

He never dared to speak about Jimin to his father again, not wanting to risk anything. His father was vigilant around him more than his mother, which told Jungkook that he might not have said anything to her about the other day.

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