Izuku and Shota Frenemies

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Hizashi wants to believe that Izuku can make the right choices in life and take the responsible path to a great future. But knowing Izuku, anything could be possible and he can pull the most stupidest shit ever.

Izuku is in the closet of his bedroom, getting high. Izuku prays that Shota is still asleep. The door creaks open.

"Gross what is that smell?" Hizashi coughs as he smells Izuku's dirty laundry, "I think it's his clothes, how does one smell so gross like this" Hizashi made a disgust face and shook his head.

Hizashi picks up Izuku's dirty laundry basket and went downstairs to the Laundry room. Izuku finally let's out a sigh of relief.

"Thank god..." Izuku sighs heavily as he leaned his head against the wall.

"I mean I'm basically healthy right? Weed is literally a vegetable" Izuku said to himself.

"This is why you need to stay in school get out kid" Hizashi opens the closet door.

"Oh shi-"

"Get your little behind up now!" Hizashi snaps.

Izuku reluctantly stood up and faced Hizashi with the Bambi eyes and pouty lips. "That shit ain't working today sweetheart," Hizashi glares.

Hizashi grabs Izuku by the ear and puts him into the corner. "You wait till your Dad wakes up from his nap finds out you be doing this stupid shit in our house," Hizashi grits his teeth.

Hizashi left the room and he woke his sleeping husband up. Shota was not in a good mood after being being woken up from his nap. Shota enters Izuku's bedroom.

"It's the fact you had the fucking audacity to ducking smoke in my damn house..." Shota spoke sternly, "but also you could've shared some" Shota whispers to Izuku.

"Wha? Your not mad?" Izuku asked confusedly.

"Yeah I'm upset but I'll get over it... but do have anymore left or what?" Shota asked, "how much is it?" Shota pulls out his wallet.

"Woah... your not going to spank me? Well I minus well soak this moment up" Izuku smirks.

"Ha ha.." Shota rolled his eyes, "don't get ahead of yourself there buddy. As long as you share we're good, kid" Shota smirks.

"Hey Izuku-" Hizashi walks in and sees the scene in front of him, "what the hell is this?! Shota!" Hizashi gasped.

"Ummm I was taking it away from the kid like a good parent that I am" Shota sputters.

"Yeah fucking right, don't lie to me!" Hizashi said sternly.

"But babe-" Shota said but earned an ear pull from Hizashi.

"Go grab my belt, because you two are in for one hell of a spanking!" Hizashi raised his voice and swats Shota on the behind.

Shota yelps and ran off to find Hizashi's belt. Izuku gulps as he stares at Hizashi with wide eyes.

"Weed?! Izuku? WEED! For god sakes... ugh! Why?!" Hizashi rubs his head angrily.

"My friend-"

"Oh so if your friend jumped off a bridge? You would to?! This is so damn stupid! You're 16 for crying out loud!" Hizashi yells.

"Pops I'm sorry" Izuku frowns.

"You're sorry because you got caught, don't try to trick me. I know your games because like father like son," Hizashi scoffs.

"Shota Aizawa! Where is my belt?!" Hizashi calls out.

"C-can't find it" Shota calls back.

"Don't lie to me! Bring. It. Now!" Hizashi yells.

Not a minute later, Shota arrives back to Izuku's bedroom the belt. Hizashi took the belt and sat on the bed.

"Izuku you're first" Hizashi said.

Izuku walks over to Hizashi and was pulled over Hizashi's lap. Hizashi pulls Izuku's pants and underwear down. Hizashi starts spanking Izuku.

"If you.." SPANK "Ever.." SPANK "Pull anymore stupid shit again.." SPANK "You'll be scrubbing the toilet for the rest of the year with a sore butt!" SPANK

"All done... I love you kid but no more reckless behavior like this" Hizashi said softly.

Hizashi lifts Izuku up on his lap gently, Hizashi pressed a kiss to Izuku's brow. A few moments later, Shota is on Hizashi's lap bare butt getting a spanking.

"It's the fact that..." SPANK "That you damn..."
SPANK "Better!" SPANK "But you still.."
SPANK "Stupidly encouraged this..." SPANK "And went along with it!" SPANK

Hizashi lifts Shota up his lap gently and rocks him like he did with Izuku earlier, Aftercare was important after a spanking. Hizashi pulls Izuku close to them and kissed his head.

"Now I love you boys so much but let's just keep this bad choices till one of you guys are adult" Hizashi said softly.

"I love you to Pops even though you're a hard ass sometimes" Izuku chuckles.

"Hey watch it brat" Shota said, "that's my husband you're talking about, but he is a hard ass" Shota smirks.

"Whatever" Hizashi snorts.

Authors Note: I am back sorry for the long wait!

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