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Yeji was with Felix all day along,Felix didn't woke up since he had his crise earlier and maybe just maybe he didn't want to wake up because he knew he had to eat. It was 7pm,Yeji waited for that coward she had for brother in the living room,ready to just kill him. And that was why she slapped her when he entered the house. He was dumbfounded,de wasn't used to being slapped in his own house and he didn't really liked it a bit. "What was that for!" He asked already angry. "You little shit! What did you do to Felix!" She yelled at him and Hyunjin didn't know what to say.

"What the fuck you are talking about! I did nothing!" But he just earned another slap. "Don't fucking lie to me Hwang Hyunjin. I asked him how did he end up living with you and... and he didn't remember. He fucking didn't remember a-and he cried." Yeji was crying,what she witnessed was too much to handle. Seeing Felix in that state was heartbreaking. "H-he wasn't himself, he panicked and h-he rambled about being sexually assaulted Hyunjin and even though you're a not the one doing that to him I'm sure you hurted him,I'm sure you yelled at him and you just put another trauma on him! How could you do that!" She pushed him again and again,crying because for the first time she despised her brother.

Hyunjin said nothing,he noticed how Felix behaved like anything ever happened but he didn't knew he completely forgot about that. Was it a way to heal himself or for avoiding any pain in him? "He can't stay with you any longer... He can't stay with someone like you! You made him mentally sick. He need professional help." Yeji said,wiping her tears away. But then they heard a noise upstairs,they saw Felix looking at them with teary eyes. He ran downstairs and hugged Hyunjin with all his might. He heard everything and he didn't like it a bit.

"No,N-no hyung. Don't let her taking me way from you." He shook his head and cried in Hyunjin's chest,he couldn't afford being away from Hyunjin,he couldn't survive without him. "Please Hyung don't leave me alone." Yeji didn't know how to feel,she didn't know if seeing Felix crying earlier having a panic attack or seeing him crying on the one person who made him sick was the more hurtful. "I won't kitten don't worry." Hyunjin stroked his hair gently,assuring him that they won't be apart,never. "You promise m-me?" Felix said and Hyunjin lifted him up before kissing him gently. "Yes I promise you kitten don't worry." Felix lay his head on Hyunjin's shoulder,happy that he won't be separated from him.

Yeji looked at them and she conclude that's they were both sick,maybe Felix sicker than Hyunjin but she couldn't do something about their toxic relationship or even Felix being dependent upon Hyunjin. "I think we don't need you here anymore Yeji,you can come next time." Hyunjin said turning and walking upstairs. Felix looked at Yeji and waved at her with a soft smile and even if she was sad,seeing Felix smiling made her smile too. "Bye Felix, we should go shopping next time." She smiled too and waved at him.

Felix was now on Hyunjin's bed,the older stroking his hat softly,they really needed that after their long day. "Kitten,Yeji told me that you didn't remember how I took you here,is it true?" Felix looked at Hyunjin and nodded softly. "Am I sick Hyung? Do I have a illness?" He asked being oblivious of his own doing. "We will...we will see that ok? I'm sure that everything will be alright." Hyunjin said but he didn't really want Felix consulting a doctor,scared that they have to be apart if they discover the reason behind it.

"How about a bath kitten? I guess we are both tired and we need it." Felix nodded and Hyunjin picked him up to the bathroom. Hyunjin filled the bathtub with a warm water and some toys for Felix. He then took off Felix's clothes and put him in the water. Hyunjin went to the shower but Felix caught his wrist. "You always took a showe while I take a bath Hyung,how about you join me in?" He asked,he really wanted Hyunjin to be with him. "You sure? Felix nodded and Hyunjin couldn't let that opportunity pass.

He entered and sat at the back of Felix. "You aren't uncomfortable?" Hyunjin asked,washing Felix fluffy blue hair. "No,I'm not. I like feeling you near me." Felix said. "Ooh,you like feeling my dick on your back too?" Hyunjin teased and Felix blushed madly. "Y-yes I like that too." He answered being all shy and that made Hyunjin laughing. Being bold and shy at the same time was a thing Felix only knew. Hyunjin soaped Felix freckled back,his arms and his stomach while playing with the navel piercing. He hauled up his hand to Felix nipples and began playing with them too. The younger couldn't help but moan quietly,he was so sensitive.

Hyunjin kept going and left a few kiss on his shoulder while pinching his nipples and that made Felix go crazy. When his nipples were hard enough,Hyunjin wanted to harden something else so he slide his hand to Felix inner thigh and stroke them. "Is this why you wanted me to bath with you kitten?" Hyunjin whispered in his ear and bite softly his earlobe. He brushed slightly on Felix tip and that made him moan louder. "My kitten became naughty huh? You like it when Hyung touch you like that?" Felix was already lost in the pleasure he felt on his body,feeling Hyunjin's hand on his length,stroking him softly was too much to handle.

At the lack of response,Hyunjin took his hand away from Felix and the blue haired boy whined at the lost. He still wanted Hyunjin's hands all over his body like few seconds ago. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath,if Hyunjin wanted to tease him,he had no other choice than teasing him back. He turned around and sat on Hyunjin's lap,noting how Hyunjin sighed when his bottom made a contact with Hyunjin's dick. "It's my turn to wash you up Hyunjinnie."


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