prologue: crimson threads

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In a world where the line between dreams and reality blurs, Amy leads an isolated life, cloaked in the mystery of her visions. Haunted by recurring dreams and unsettling premonitions, she seeks solace in the realm of her imagination, where she weaves tales of paranormal adventures. But as her visions intensify, taking on an eerie red hue, she realizes there's more to her gift than she ever imagined.

As Amy grapples with her unsettling visions, she finds herself drawn into a series of inexplicable encounters. Each chance meeting brings a new enigma, as strangers hint at hidden connections and untold stories. The boundary between her fiction and the tangible world blurs, leaving her questioning the true nature of her gift and the mysteries that lie ahead.

Amidst the tangle of visions, dreams, and real-life intrigue, one question looms above all: Who is 0197, and what does this enigmatic presence want from her? In a quest to uncover the truth, Amy's journey leads her to unexpected friendships, hidden secrets, and a deeper understanding of the power within her. As she embraces her unique abilities, she must navigate the intricate web of fate and destiny to unlock the secrets that bind her to the enigmatic 0197.

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