naughty cousin

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Hopefully you guys will like 💞

Author pov :-


(Not so important part just for intro if you fell bored skip honey)

Mr.Hwang:- hey! Hyunjinie wake up! yahhh....get your ass up quickly otherwise you know.. what happened!

*he whisper yell but no response from his son*

Hyunjin...if you didn't wake up*a loud bang come from door*o..oh no...*gulp hard*

Mr.Hwang:- please god save my son and me!*he open the door and found his wife who smiling but it was the worst thing in this situation because he know it was fake* d...darling! i..i was wak.....

Ms.Hwang take out her frying pan and look at her son who sleeping peacefully without any bother,

and mr.hwang looking at her with fear in his eyes then Ms.Hwang land her frying pan on hyun's big booty... make his whole body jump!

Hyunjin:- ahhhhhh....who the fv......

*he about to say something but his eyes land on his sweet mom who spinning his frying pan with death glare on her face make his son gulp hard he laugh nervously*

Hyunjin: o..oh! mommy! i..i....

Ms.hwang:- when you sleep yesterday night?!*she ask and raise her eyebrows*

Hyunjin:- ab...........*Ms.hwang looking into hyun's Soul make his scared as hell* mommy... i sleep at 3 PM i...i am sorry!*he look down as he don't want to scold badly*

"Mr.hwang your son always come late he always skip classes he always bickering with students saying them bad words, is that you teach him?* *she mocking* but you...ah! leave it for now i will deal with you letter!

*she left angrily closing the door with loud bang make Mr.hwang and hyunjin flinch badly and look at each other with fears!*

Mr.hwang:- i have to make her happy!*he sigh*

Hyunjin:- you better be buying him Versace otherwise she will be never being happy and not even you and also neither me!*he roll his eye*

Mr.hwang:- what's your two problem? why always i involve in your fights infect i didn't even say one word!*he blubbering to himself and left from the room*

Hyunjin:- ah! what's there problem with my sleep! i was dreaming about someone giving me pleasure and i was mo**ing under him! ah it's feel so good but mom ruin everything!*pout*ouch! my butt is hurting! (Author:Yeaahhhh I told you he is so naughty don't blame me for this )

*Then hyunjin get up from his bed while rubbing his butt because the frying is too heavy which land on his butt, he cursing himself for wake up late! now he was doing his morning routine*

______________                           _____________
______________Breakfast time_____________
( You can skip this part those are daily things in family 🐸)

Thank me to give you two idiot tasty breakfast even you doing this to me*fake crying* do you even know how i was tired doing this much work in this whole big fvcking house! sometimes i thought i was maid here!

but darling i was already ask you if you want maid we can haired some but you are the one who didn't agree, and thinking i was cheating on you with her!

so you are saying it was also my fault huh?! yeah! i was doubting on you from you are talk sweet with that stinky girl*mr.hwang secretary*

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