ch 11

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Rashmi:- so sad of you sis
Oh my Jesus forgive me I didn't want a husband like my sister's got a Jesus forgive me
Kiara:-yeah I also pray for you now think what will you wear in your first date
Rashmi:-go to hell with the dress I am thinking I am thinking bad he will take me for the day
Kiara:-it will better than heaven
Rashmi:-I will think so
Kiara:-when sids come, I will tell him he was take me to date but it was not possible because when he come he and me we are busy to the office work I got a broken destiny
Rashmi:-broken destiny what was that
Kiara:-that was my bad luck

When Rashmi's phone start ring
Rashmi:- now who is calling me this time
Rashmi shocked
In caller ID it's showing Darkie
Rashmi start sweating
Kiara:- are you fine why are you sweating very badly
Rashmi:- nothing
Kiara:- tell me pls
Rashmi:- nothing
Kiara:- any problem
Rashmi:- no i am going to sleep 
Kiara:- it's 9.30 only
Rashmi:- so let's have your dinner 🍽️
Kiara:- let's go

They come down stairs
Kiara:- mum please give us food
Suwarna:- why so first today
Kiara:- Rashmi is hungry

When Avinash and vijay come
Avinash:- she is hungry give food to her and us
Vijay:- I am too hungry

Door knocked
Kiara open the door and shocked 😯
Siddharth is standing there with his luggage 🧳
Kiara:- sidd you you will come after todays you said me
Sidd:- yeah I want to gave you surprise
Suwarna:- you come at right time we will have our dinner 🍽️
Sidd:- mumma i am hungry (he come in side )
Sidd look at Rashmi
Sidd:- who is she
Vijay:- she is sister in law 's cousin you don't know her
Kiara:- no he didn't
Sidd:- no i don't know that Kiara have a girl cousin
Avinash:- she is our paid guest
Vijay:- dad you said me
Kiara:- yes she is paid guest but really she is my cousin she is the daughter of my maternal uncle friend sister's daughter
Vijay:- so long relation chain
Sidd:- hm

Rashmi's phone start ring again
Rashmi start sweating again
Kiara:- what is the problem when your phone rings you sweat very badly why any problem
Avinash:- if any problem share with us
Rashmi:- actually
A notification come to Rashmi's phone
And Rashmi phone fall on ground

Word:- 441
Recap:- dark past

Author:- who is calling Rashmi
What did he want
Why Rashmi get scared 😨
A new storm is coming??

All questions answers will unfold in next part

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Sorry for post late

I know I am posting parts after a long time
But this will not be hold

Stay tuned 😉

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