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Today was the day Sami was going to go meet the cast of
'You are so not invited to my bat mitzvah'

She was so excited


"Sami you ready?" Sami's dad yelled from downstairs

The young girl closed her suitcase and walked downstairs

"Ok remember if you need anything call me and don't forget to call me when you get to the airport, when you land and when you get to your hotel roo-

"Dad chill, I'll call you don't worry and plus I'll be going with mom" the young girl said with a chuckle

The dad sighed pulling her into a hug

"I know but I'm just gonna miss you both so much"


Sami and Sami's mom finally landed
They are now heading over to there hotel


"Ok you should probably get some sleep since you have a big day tomorrow" the young girls mom said putting the suitcase down

"Ok I'm just so excited" Sami said sitting down on the bed smiling


It was now the next day

Sami woke up to her mom shaking her awake

"Sami wake up and get ready you have to be there in a hour"

Sami quickly got out of bed and started heading to the bathroom to take a shower and brush her teeth

After she finished she got changed into a black top and wore a jacket over and put some baggie pants and she styled her hair with a claw clip

She grabbed all her things and went over to where everyone was meeting up at

She walked in the building and went up to the front desk

"Hi I'm Sami Rivera and I'm here for the meeting with the 'your so not invited to my bat mitzvah' cast"

"Ah yeah hi Sami! Go up to room 521 on the first floor" the nice lady said smiling at the young girl

"Thank you"
Sami went over to the elevator and pressed number 1

When she got there she started looking for the room 221

"Hey are you lost?"

Sami heard from behind her
She turned around

"Oh em gee your sunny Sandler"

"Yeah hey so are you lost?"

"Right sorry uhm yeah kind of I'm looking for room 221" Sami said chuckling

"Ohh I'm going there also come on" sunny said smiling

"Ok thank you"


As the two girls walked in the they were met with the casts and director

"Ok looks like everyone's here"

Everyone gathered around and sat at this round table

"We should all go around the table and say your name where you were born and what your role is"

The first person to start was Adam Sandler!

"Hello everyone I'm Adam Sandler and I'm from Brooklyn and I play Danny Friedman"

The 2nd person was Idina Menzel

"Hello guys! I am idina Menzel and I'm from New York and I play Bree Friedman"

The 3rd person was Sadie Sandler

"Hi! I'm Sadie Sandler I'm from Los Angeles and I play Ronnie Friedman"

Couple of other people went

"Hello I am Lucy Mells and I'm from Canada and I play Madeline otter"

Lucy plays Sami's mom in the movie since her characters last is otter

In the show Sami's character only has a mom

After Lucy went it was this boys turn

"Yo I'm Dylan Hoffman and I'm from Chicago and I play Andy goldfarb"

After him it was Sunny's turn
Then Sami's..

"Hii! I'm sunny Sandler and I'm from California and I play Stacy Friedman!"

It's was now Sami's turn..

"Hello! I'm Sami Rivera and I'm from Atlanta Georgia and I play Margot Otter"


"Ok now that everyone introduced themselves why don't the kids go talk over there and the adults talk over here"

All the kids got up and walked over to the other side of the room

It was silent for a bit

But we got the hang of each other
and got each others numbers

"Omg you guys have to come over we could all have like a pool party" sunny said

After meeting the cast I went back to the hotel and decided to take a nap

I am so excited.



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