Chapter One:

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I look up at him with cold eyes, the blood from my face starts dripping over my closed eye, everyone is dead, all my friends, even the teachers. "Kaito, I told you I'm giving you three months. You messed this up yourself, 3 months was plenty enough time to do it," he said, I clenched my fist into my palm, and charged towards him roaring at him. "I gave you this power, I can just take it back," he said, catching my punch, I felt something sharp hit my heart. Was this the end? There's no way, I had one more day of life. "I will never forgive you.." I managed to say, he threw his head back and laughed, his eyes turned red and his smile grew bigger, I could feel myself getting weaker by the moment just before passing out. I woke up and looking at my surroundings I saw nobody.

I was in my bedroom somehow, it must have been a really bad dream but for some reason, I felt it was real. "Kaito! You'll be late for school, come on!" my mom said rushing in, I looked at my clock and jumped up "Holy how is it already 7:50!" I screamed, jumped up, and rushed to the bathroom. I started brushing my teeth while trying to comb my hair as my sister stood outside the door with her arms crossed. " you need something?" I asked putting my toothbrush back into the case, she shook her head.

"Just making sure my little brother isn't late for his first day of the sophomore year " she laughed walking off, "Shut up you're not even in high school" I shouted at her, "I'm in college stupid" she said grabbing her bento box and leaving the house. My mom sat at the table laughing at me, I looked confused then looked down, 'Oh shoot didn't get dressed!'

I sprinted back to my room got ready and ran to the door, "Don't forget this, have a good day Kaito" she said kissing my cheek and handing me my bento box, I packed it in a bag and waved before making my way down to the parking lot, we lived in an apartment it was just us 3. "Hey, Kaito!" I turned around and saw my childhood friend, "Zero!"

I shouted back to him, and he walked over here quickly, "I got my power last week at camp" he said, "Good for you! What's your power?" I asked, he stopped walking and dragged me to the alley near a gas station, "Don't tell anyone this but I think I have the power to copy other powers" he whispered in my ear, I looked at him in shock.

"No way man, that's awesome, " he laughed and showed me his hand, "My mom has the power to turn trash into trees." He looked around and grabbed an empty cigarette box, and in less than a minute a big tree grew from the old box. "Wow!" I said looking up. "Now my dad can duplicate things when it's between his fingers" he said, he grabbed his wallet and pulled out a 50 and in no time it gave it 8 $50 bills, "Jeez this must make money and bills easy for you guys?" I asked, he shook his head, "Not in a good way we already bought another house for no reason" I laughed, "Man I think I need that" I said jokingly, "Do you want it?" He said, "I was going to speak but heard the speaker on the train go off, "Last call for anyone going to H.A''

We both looked at each other and dashed all the way to the train. Thankfully we made it, this always happened. We would almost miss the train because Zero had to be blabbering about something stupid, every time and it would cause us to be late so many times! But he's a great friend so I wouldn't leave him even if the world was ending. But I can't slip the dream off my mind, I felt a poke to my shoulder, "Hey man are you good?" he asked, I jumped a bit startled.

"Oh! What, yeah I just remembered a dream I had and it's just flooding my mind." he looked at me in confusion, "A weird dream?" he asked, I nodded, he got closer to my ear and whispered. "Was it about you and some really hot chick together?" he smirked, I backed up, nearly falling off my seat. "Jeez! No, no that was not what I dreamed about, I'm talking about a nightmare not a joyride" I asked.

He started to laugh and the people around us didn't seem to care that we were ranting on so I looked at him then took a deep breath. "So in my dream, the school looked destroyed and everyone was dead, there was blood all over the place and this one person was talking to me.

I don't remember his face but I remember what he said" he looked at me intrigued. "Finish!!" He said, "I snapped back into reality and went on, "He said something along the lines of 'Kaito, I told you I'm giving you around three or four  months. You messed this up yourself, I gave you plenty of time to do it' and I don't understand why but the next thing he mentioned was about my power" I paused seeing we were already at school.

"Come on, we should get going now" I said standing up stretching, I held my hand out to him as he grabbed it and we walked off the train, the school bell didn't even ring. Everyone was just around the area texting, talking, dancing and showing off their powers. "So about the dream" he said, "Oh, yeah he mentioned something about how he gave me some short of power and said that he can take them away just as easy as that" the school bell rang before he could say anything so I looked at him and said, "If we have the same lunch or class I'll see you there!" I said running off to the stage, I believe that's where you hear what class you're in.

There weren't many people there since it was only for the new people, everyone who went here before knew what classes they had from the email. A bunch of people's names got called. The other people there were Me, Zero and around 10 other people. "Now as for the rest of you, please be sure to follow Mr. Oshiko to your classroom" Nobody had any idea who the guy on the speaker was, but I did hear a bunch of girls behind me whispering about how hot this Oshiko guy was. I rolled my eyes walking over to Zero.

"Hey, do you think we're in a special class?" he whispered to me, "Probably it would make sense were all going to a new classroom with less people than anyone else" I whispered back, as soon as we got to our classroom Mr. Oshiko was calling everyones name and assigning them a seat, each seat had a letter and number on it. "Zero you can sit in H1, Yuki sit in F1, Kaito you go sit in E1" .

As soon as I heard my name I went to sit at my desk, Zero was only 3 seats down from me, the classroom was pretty big but only with 12 desk's and then the teachers. Mr. Oshiko was giving everyone else their seats and Zero was getting all the stuff in his backpack out into his desk. I felt something drop on my shoe. I looked down and it was a pencil, I went down and picked it up looking left and right to see who it was.

"That's mine, thank you.." this voice said, I looked over beside me. "Yuki correct?" I said, giving her the pencil, "Yes, and you are Kaito?" she asked, I nodded and she smiled at me. "Hope to see you around sometime!" she said, I laughed a bit then heard a bit thud in my ear causing it to pop. "Jesus!" I shouted, the person sitting next to me dropped a big duffle bag on his desk, it sounded like there was some kind of weapon in there or just a whole tone of books.

He looked over to me with a cold face then his eyes widened. "Kaito! Oh, god sorry I didn't mean to scare you!" he said bowing, I looked at him confused. "Do I know you from somewhere?" I asked, he shook his head. "Nope, I am Kuragari!" he said holding a hand out to me, I grabbed his hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you Kuragri" I said, "Nice to meet you too" he said sitting down. I went back to looking at Zero who was drooling over a girl across from him.

I laughed and rolled my eyes, he's definitely weird. Once everyone was sitting down Mr. Oshiko wrote his name on the board, he had pretty neat handwriting I'll admit but other than that he looks like he woke up after 100 years of sleeping, he had bags under his eyes but the perfect hair, like when you wake up and your having a good hair day vs when it's picture day and your gel doesn't want to work neither does it want to stay down so you look like you take drugs for a living.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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