2 AM

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It was 2 am.


And his phone was ringing.

Macaque made an annoyed groan and grabbed his phone from the night stand. He ruffled in the covers a little and brought the device to his colorful set of ears answering the call. He didn't even bother to look who called, waiting for the other party to start talking.

The silence started to stretch, which only served to make Six Eared irritation bigger. He was about to hang up, thinking it was some stupid joke, and make whoever broke his beauty sleep pay in the morning, but then he heard id.

"...Macaque..." it was weak, and muffled, but his ears perked up, recognizing the owner of this vice in a second.

"What do you want, Wukong?" he asked, still half asleep and too tired to even attempt hiding his growing annoyance "How did you even get this number?"

He rubbed his eye with the back of his hand, slowly walking up.

Yet, there was no answer on the other side for a longer while and as he waited and grew more awakened, his anger rose.

"Are you pranking me or some shit?" a growl came out of his throat, as he sat up in his bed.


At this point he was pretty sure the other was making fun of him, because, what else could it be. The only thing he needed to confirm that fully was some muffled laughter.

Yet the only muffled noise he heard on the other side was nothing like laughter. It was more like... well he couldn't tell, he was still too sleepy for this shit.

Almost awake he mustered a longer and more sharp sentence.

"Listen, if it's some kind of stupid joke, I'll send all your peaches to Shadow dimension, so-"

"could you come..?" a weak voice interrupted him mid-sentence "can you... uhm... just give me a minute..." Macaque can clearly hear how the King is struggling to keep his voice from breaking "just wait... it's not a prank... it's just... uhhh"

"Well that sounded dramatic." Six Eared snarled, still annoyed to be woken up at such an hour "So unlike you." sarcasm is dripping from his poisonous voice "What happened? What do you want?" he goes straight to the point, not really wanting to let this last more than needed.

Again. Silence for a couple of loud heartbeats.

"Can we just talk?" is finally said, and oh, if Macaque was slightly angry earlier now he was full of rage.

"TALK?" his tone is sharp and mocking "You. Want to talk. With me?!" he laughs, but it's the type of laughter that is vicious and cruel "About WHAT exactly? What is so important that you needed to talk with ME about it at TWO FUCKING AM, WUKONG?!" Macaque is panting in anger, his ears laying flat, close to his head.

This time the answer comes faster.

"It's just...i've been feeling... weird... lately and..." Wukong is mumbling and getting lost in his own words. Ebony monkey doesn't let him finish; annoyance mixes with impatience.

"What do you mean by weird? AND. Why are you calling ME with that shit again? Last time I checked your problems are none of my concerns." his voice is still sharp and holds poison between words, but Macaque tries to talk more collected and less full of rage "Not any longer at least." he adds bitterly, and adds with a sight "Why hadn't you called MK, or whatever?"

2 AMWhere stories live. Discover now