The Troubled Goddess

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Aniceta Teller was born two hours after Thomas Teller on January 8th 1984 and her father was the first to hold her on that day her 8 year old brother Jackson "Jax" Teller (the Sons Of Anarchy Wiki says that Jax was born in 1978 but doesn't give a ...

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Aniceta Teller was born two hours after Thomas Teller on January 8th 1984 and her father was the first to hold her on that day her 8 year old brother Jackson "Jax" Teller (the Sons Of Anarchy Wiki says that Jax was born in 1978 but doesn't give a month or day so I'm going to use the actor who plays him Charlie Hunnam's birthday month and day which is  April 10, [1980] according to Wikipedia) was excitably yet patiently waiting to meet his siblings in the Waiting Room with a few members of his fathers club the Sons of Anarchy his mom kept saying she was having two boys but he knew or at least hoped that one would be a girl he wanted to be like his dad and have someone to protect and he was happy when he found out that he got his wish and just like his dad yet in a way unlike his dad he got to hold his sister first his father John was in a way forced to hold his daughter for his mother Gemma refused to and Jax WANTED to hold his sister first which upset his mother and the first thing he did as soon as his sister was in his arms was promise her that he'd protect her no matter what and that was what made his mother happy don't get me wrong Jax loves both of his siblings equally just like his father loves all his children equally though Jax did wonder why his mother didn't like his sister as much as she loves her sons "I want to go to school in Oakland"  Aniceta tells her father when she's 4 years old "why's that!?!"  he asks with a chuckle in his tone "because I don't want to "make friends" with those who would only use me to gain favor with the Reapers I don't want "what is expected of me" to take over my life!"  he stares at his daughter in shock for her answer made her sound so grown up and she's too young to be that grown up but he nods and she seemed happy with that reply she knew that between the two of her parents her dad would listen to her her mother on the other hand would throw a fit her mom has been training her how to be the perfect "Old Lady" from the moment she could walk for there had to be SOME form of use for her right!?! after all it isn't like SHE could take control of her fathers club when he "crosses the river".... not that she wants to have ANYTHING to do with the club.... "it's either that or be homeschooled which would be even worse! especially since mom will be my teacher"  she tells him he laughs and because of how she wanted it John fought to get his daughter into a school in Oakland he even made sure it was the same school as one of his Auto Shop workers that his daughter had "fallen in love with"s son goes to so she knew at least one person in that school even if he is two years older than her I say she's fallen in love with this particular man because he's the first one she wants to see when she goes to the club with her family it isn't till after she spends some time with this man that she goes to see her club family Marcus Alvarez a Mexican that John himself hired when the man was looking for work and with how hard working, loyal and smart the man is he was glad he hired him and for some odd reason it didn't surprise him that his daughter was drawn to the man Thomas was drawn to Tig for that particular type of crazy was the first person he always wanted to see when they came to the club and Jax went to Chibs the "second father" of the Teller kids after visiting Marcus Aniceta went to Otto her best friend Ajita's father and spent time with him and her best friend the only one she stayed away from was Clay who she was apprehensively repulsed by while in school Aniceta befriends Marcus' son Esai he, a boy named Jesse and a boy named Ron Tully who become her best friends on the Oakland side of California the fact that she befriended Marcus' son didn't surprise John at all though after she befriended the boy she ended up spending a lot of time over at Marcus' place Marcus' wife Diana who loves her just as much as the other two do even started teaching her spanish.... which she (Aniceta) asked her to do.... none of his children were geniuses but they are very smart and it is John's belief that his daughter is the strongest of them all for even when she was younger she never let her mother influence her she did enough to satisfy her mothers need for attention and control but that was only when she was around when Aniceta was "free" of her mothers overbearing presence she was completely herself and did not accommodate to anyone's desires of what they think she should be she was her own woman and her father loves that about her his sons on the other hand are complete momma's boys and do everything their mother says whether it's out of love or fear one may never know perhaps it's both for they may fear that if they don't become submissive to her she may not love them when John traveled to check up on the other charters his club has he would take Aniceta with him as a bonding experience and to get her away from what was trying to push her down and squish her like a fly inbetween two magnets sometimes he wonders where she (Aniceta) gets her strength from and wishes he were as strong as she is but it's all thanks to her mother she has to be strong especially after Thomas died for that's when her life truly takes a turn for the worst after losing his youngest son Thomas in 1990 John started to notice that Gemma became even worse than before with their daughter hating her for being the "lucky" one who survived when Thomas didn't he knew she always believed that Aniceta should have been the one born with the congenital heart defect that both their boys have instead of Thomas whereas John thought it was lucky that at least one of their children wasn't born with "the family flaw" but not Gemma no she was trying her best to figure out a different way to make their healthy child weaker than the "unhealthy" ones which luckily backfired on her in many ways Aniceta herself believes that it is the love she gets from so many others that makes her strong for if no one loved her she may have allowed her mother to keep pushing her down and be the slave the woman wanted her to be but it was when she met Happy Lowman that truly helped her see what being the strong woman she was born to be should look like for his mother is one of the strongest people she's ever met who never let the disease that took over her body make her weak Happy and Tig both joined the club in 1987 Happy was 25, Aniceta was 3 and Tig was 29 (I'm using David Labrava and Kim Coates actual birthdays as Happy and Tig's birthdays since no birthday is mentioned for either in the SoA Wiki)....

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