Baby fever

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I don't know if anyone has done this so if I have lmk.

{ your pov }

I was going over to a friend Oakley's  (random name) house so I can babysit for her, since she was going to be busy for the day.

I was driving over there and I had brought Chris with me since he had nothing else to do. I then pulled up to Oakley's house, and turned off the car before turning to Chris.

"You ready?"

I had asked him

"Yeah, let's go"

We then got out of the car walking up to the house and then walking in.

"Hey, your here"

Oakley said while coming over to me and give me a hug then saying hi to Chris.

"I will probably be back around 9 to 9:30. I'll let you know if I will be coming back later"

She said while walking to the living room where her baby was at. (The baby's name is going to be Arlo )(Are-low)

She then explained where everything was, then she left. Me and Chris was sitting on the couch watching Arlo play around.

Chris then got off the couch and went to play with Arlo. As they was playing around I pulled my phone out and recorded it.

Arlo then got really fussy because he was getting tired. Chris then got up off the floor, then picked up Arlo. He then walked back over to the couch and sat down while Arlo was about to fall asleep.

After a while he fell asleep, then Chris looked over to me.

"Can we have one please"

Chris said while smiling at me

"Chris were to young to have a baby right now. We're 19 and 20"

I had said while also looking at him

"So? We have the money to take care of one"

"We can have one when we are a little bit older. Okay?"

Chris then looked away from me and was then looking at Arlo


He had said. It was about 9:20 and Oakley came back. The baby was sleeping in his room. We all sat around talking for a few. Then after a while me and Chris went home, going to bed ourself.

Leave a request if you have one. I hope you enjoyed :)

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