Baby fever pt 2

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In this you and Chris are 22 and 23

{ your pov }

* a few years forward *

I woke up about to throw up, so I got up ran to the bathroom. Chris was also got up and went to the bathroom with me.

When I got in there I started to throw up, and Chris just held my hair back and rub my back. Once I got done I brushed my teeth and Chris stayed in there with me.

Once I got I went back and went on my phone. I then went to my period tracker and then realized that I was 2 weeks late.

I then got up put a hoodie and shoes on

"I'll be back"

I had told Chris

"Ok keep me updated tho"

"I will"

I said before I walked out and drove to the store and grabbing some pregnancy tests. Once I payed I then went back home.

Once I got back home I took my shoes off and went to the bathroom. I then took the test flipping them over. Once I flipped them over I walked into mine and Chris's room.

"What did you have to do?"

Chris had asked me once I walked in

"I had.. to get some.. pregnancy tests"

I had said while keeping my head down. Chris then got up out of his bed and walked over to me pulling me into a hug.

"What ever the test comes out to be I'm not gonna leave you. Epically if me and you are having a child"

Chris had said while I put my arms around him as well. We just store there for a few minutes until my timer went off.

We then walked to the bathroom together. I then grabbed one of the tests and had it in my hand. I then looked over at Chris and he nodded his head.

I then counted to three in my head, I then flipped it over.


I then looked a Chris with a shocked face and me and him started to cry a little bit. Not of sadness but of happiness.

"Oh my god.. I'm gonna be a dad"

Chris had said while pulling me into a hug

"And I'm gonna be a mom"

I said while also hugging Chris.

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