first sight crush?

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It was winter and snow was falling i was looking around searching for my friends. They were talking bullshit about our teachers but who cares they are speaking truth anyways
I'm yn ,solem yn right I'm at school today is my exam and guess what I didn't study I'm in highschool right now I'm finding my squad cause I just came
there they are still taking......
I go to them and start talking about random stuff then soon we hear our witch the teacher telling an announcement to gather in front of the stage to hear their bullshit but who is gonna hear hahaha..... We all walked there with our lazy ass blabring something I asked my friend who is my batchmate she pointed towards somewhere I also started looking for him or her idk soon my eyes fell on a hoodie I mean a boy I liked his hoodie I didn't realise when I stared at him for literally some minutes then he noticed and asked me whether something is wrong and goes what I still didn't saw his face then I looked up to see who the fuck disturbing me but wait...........

Fuck! He is handsome I can't deny but just like his hoodie ok I have to know about him he must be a topper he is holding a book anyways

Soon we got to our classes and the exam began........

{Rate this part I wanna know and yea suggest a name for the boy ur rating will inspire me this part was short I will try to make a long part but I'm sleepy right now so bye}

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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