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This is to introduce the characters u maybe seeing and their relations to other characters in this one shot story log.

Angeline Flower/Angie/Angel

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Angeline Flower/Angie/Angel

Age: 20(Human Years)

Mother of David, Daniel, Danielle(deceased), Evan(adopted), Grace/Gracie/Beasty(what Angie calls her(adopted)), and Willow(pet cat don't have a image of but shes a pure white cat with green eyes)

Sister of Ryder Younge(half sister different dads), Chirs Younge(Ryders husband), Emilio Weasley(full sister same parents), Zale Weasley, Hugo Weasley, and Louis Weasley (Emilios lovers)

Aunt of Levi Younge, Hunter Younge(Ryder and Chris's kids), and Liv Weasley(Emilo and lovers kid)

Aunt of Levi Younge, Hunter Younge(Ryder and Chris's kids), and Liv Weasley(Emilo and lovers kid)

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Ryder/Rye and Chirs Younge

Age- Rye: 25(Human years) Chirs: 26

Father's of Levi(adopted), Hunter, and Remmy/lyrcon(real name(pet cat))

Brother's of Emilio Weasley(half brother different dads than rye), Zale Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Louis Weasley, Angie Flower(half brother different dads than rye), Emma Mares(Chirs adopted sister), Alice Mares (Emma's lover), Seth Miles (verbally and emotionally adopted by rye's dad), and Boris Miles(Seth's husband)

Uncle's of Liv Weasley, David, Daniel, Danielle(deceased), Evan(adopted), Grace/Gracie(adopted), Willow, Ehlin/Linny/Lin(Emma and Alice's daughter), Leo(Emma and Alice's son), and Zeena(Emma and Alice's pet cat)

Uncle's of Liv Weasley, David, Daniel, Danielle(deceased), Evan(adopted), Grace/Gracie(adopted), Willow, Ehlin/Linny/Lin(Emma and Alice's daughter), Leo(Emma and Alice's son), and Zeena(Emma and Alice's pet cat)

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