Forgotten Leg

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You would think after years of having a fake mechanical leg. Ryder would have learned to make sure, it was charged enough to get home to Chirs and the kids. Nope! Now here he is sitting on the curb of his own casino waiting, for his sister and her son to come and get him and his car.

After a few minutes Ryder heard a car pull up to him. Ryder lift his head to see his little sister smiling down at him from by the looks of it, its his nephew David's car. This is confirmed when Angel opened her door to get out, that he sees David in the drivers seat tapping on the steering wheel looking annoyed. So Ryder can only assume his sister woke him up from a nap to drive her here. Ryder feels bad for his nephew having to drive his mother here just to help him cause he was irresponsible and didn't charge his leg, which is currently dead in his office having to have it charge in there till he can get it again. Which will be awhile, as hes not at work every day only when there's something that need to be done. Like one of his girls that work there is being harassed, or someone asks for a drink none of the bartenders know how to make which is quite rare now days.

Ryder is disrupted from his thoughts by the sound of David's car driving off. Ryder looked around for his sister not seeing her, he reached into his coat pocket were his keys were to find them missing. Which means his sister took his keys to get his car. This was confirmed when Ryder heard a car start from the right of him which is where his car was parked.

Few minutes later his car is in front of him and so is his sister. Angie held her hand out to help her disabled brother, though shes 100% sure he could get up on his own and get in the car. She thought it would be easier and quicker to help him out. Seeing how both of them had families to get back to.

Angie knowing her children very well something was probably on fire or some one has gotten hurt during the time she was away. Going through a mental check of how all her kids looked before she left, just in case when she got home she would notice if one of them was acting or looking different. While doing her mental check of how many types of plants were in her garden, she felt her brother grab her hand and pull himself up on to his one leg, pant leg swing has he got up. Smiling Angie turned dragging Ryder with her who's now leaning on her for support. After setting him into the car Angie gets into the driver side and shuts the door putting her seat belt on.  Just cause, shes basically immortal but that doesn't mean she wants to get into a car crash.

After making sure Ryder had his seat belt on Angie pulled away from the curb and started driving to Ryder's house. Driving in complete silence always put Angie off so she tried to make small talk with her brother who's staring out his window watching trees go by.

"Soooo, How is Hunter doing with solid food?"

Ryder replied with a tone Angie can only identify as proud.

"Much better than the first time. Though there's of course some things we're not letting him have yet."

Angie giggled shaking her head slightly as to not take her eyes off the road. "But of course." Angie frowned slightly. "How's Levi adjusting to all this, i know it was only a few weeks after having Levi back. From the- Ahem the uh place  before Hunter came along..."

Ryder stiffed at the mention of the place he and Chirs had gotten Levi out of. Remembering all the kids left there forgotten or abandoned by their parents, or even born in there has had been the case for his own husband Chirs.

"You can say the asylum Angel it doesn't do any damage to me. Despite both my husband and oldest son being from there."

Angie shifted a little in her seat unsuprised that Ryder had caught her hesitating to call the place for what it really is. Course she knew that Chirs was born and raised in the asylum by one of the employees who worked there at the time named Mary, and of course she knew Chirs wasn't mentally unwell despite being there all his life. Unlike her nephew Levi who Chirs and Ryder had to put in there shortly after saving him from the streets to get him a mental check up. Which came up with him having social anxiety that resulted in them having to leave him there for a couple of months so the staff could teach him, how to take his medication's and how to identify his own from others. While he was there he learned how to identify when he was having an attack and how to help himself if no one was around to help him. Angie replied feeling a little guilt for calling what had been a home to her brother in law a "place".

"I know Ryder its just- I don't know how i should have addressed it. Cause you know you had to. Put- him there.."

Ryder looked at his sister with a deadpanned face which if you look closely you will see a hint of pain in his eyes.

"Angeline I'm- well aware of what me and Chirs did its not like we didn't visit every day. We helped every chance we got. We made sure he was safe in every way. And i got him out at the first chance i got when we were given the green flag from the asylum."

Angie fell silent not having found the words to apologize to Ryder for her wording. She knew she needed to find the words and fast, as they are rounding the corner onto Ryders street.

After a few seconds Angie opened her mouth to speak having found the words.

"I'm sorry Ryder. I chose my words poorly can you forgive me? Brother..."

Ryder relaxed in his seat staring at his sister with a sadden expression. He knows shes genuine, he knows she didn't mean any harm asking about his eldest son. With those thoughts in mind Ryder sighed looking at his sister he replied to his baby sister.

"You are forgiven Angel. I know you meant nothing ill by it."

Angie took her eyes off the road for a split second to look at her brother in surprise. Its not uncommon for her and her siblings to forgive one another but the fact it was so easily accepted shocked her. Normally there's something that comes after the apology. Like  a prank, or something. Well she is driving so he cant really prank her for now.

Angie must have been working on autopilot after turning onto her brothers street. Cause the next thing she knew she's in her brother's drive way and Ryder is sitting there waiting for her to do something.

Angie then got out the car and went up to the front door. She unlocked the front door and reached in to grab the pair of crutches she knows are kept by the door for this exact reason. Now having the crutches she heads back over to her brother, who's car door is now open with his leg out just waiting for his crutches. Angie walks over and hands him one of the crutches. Placing a hand on Ryders head as he adjusts the crutch and stands up carefully to not hit his head. Upon standing up Angie gave Ryder his other crutch.

Ryder worked on getting inside, while Angie locked up the car. Ryder made it inside with no issues, Angie followed her brother inside turning around to shut and lock the door placing the keys in the bowl with the others.

Though making it through the door was easy enough getting up the stairs will always be a nightmare. You would think after so many years he'd master going up and down the stairs with crutches. But nope, all though he can its safer for someone to tail him when he does in case he falls. Which is what Angie is currently doing, knowing full well shes just gonna have to come back down to get to the guest room.

Once they passed the dangerous stairs Angie went ahead to her brothers room opening the door to find her brother in law Chirs asleep. Sighing Angie holds the door open for her brother as he makes his way inside. When Ryder gets inside he heads over to the bed, sitting down he sets his crutches on the ground scooting them under the bed a little bit.

Ryder lays down and pulls the blankets up to his chest before rolling over to cuddle with his husband Chirs. Angie leaves the room closing the door softly. Hearing the soft clicking noise she knows the door is shut so she lets go of the handle. Angie heads back down the stairs and turns down a hallway to the guest room. she opens the door, goes in and shuts it behind her. Afterwards Angie heads over to the bed, pulls back the covers and climbs in to go to sleep. Angie sleeps off the emotionally uncomfortable car ride here, she most likely will forget it happened which is normal.

(Note: All the chapters are day after day unless stated other wise. Also no Ryder didn't change clothes he was to tried to do that, he got scolded for it in the morning don't worry.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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