E3 - Roaring Muscles

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"You want me to what?" Etsuko questioned, stunned. Her royal purple eyes set wide in shock at her uncles question. Around her, the numerous floating pans, knives and vegetables suddenly halted. The broth no longer stirring in the levitating pot, and the floating knives no longer chopping and dicing various onions, carrots and mushrooms.

Her reaction made her uncle freeze in place, a nervous bead of sweat threatening to trickle down the length of his temple. He was All Might, the Greatest Hero in the World, the Symbol of Peace. Everyday he fought evil villains, wrestled with the worst of the worst and saved countless lives. Yet he was anxious about the irritated look spread across his nieces face.

"Please, Etsuko." He began pleading, taking a nervous step towards her. His golden hair sat dull and messily atop his head, hanging down in defeated strands. His body slim and scrawny compared to his usual appearance of extravagant bulging muscles and an intimidating height. "All you have to do is watch over him when I can't. I can't retain my form for longer than 3 hours anymore. Even less after that sludge villain incident." Rubbing the sore and tender spot of the right side of his ribs, All Might frowned deeply.

Minutes earlier, he informed his niece that he found someone to inherit One For All. Something which left her feeling bittersweet. Of course she was ecstatic that her uncle had found someone worthy to inherit his power; One For All. Yet she was also saddened by what it could mean for her only surviving family member.

Etsuko knew of the dire situation All Might was in. 5 years ago, he fought the biggest evil there is; All For One. And despite his victory, All Might was left severely and permanently injured. All For One blew a hole in her uncles torso, rupturing his respiratory organs and leaving him weakened. From that point on, All Might was crippled and his powers began to fade. That's why he was searching so desperately for a successor whom he could pass the torch on to.

Of course she remembered that tragic battle. After all, it was the day All For One murdered her parents.

Sighing, Etsuko pinched the bridge of her nose, her other hand making a small flicking movement through the air. Then all the floating objects returned to a secure place on the counter tops. The noodles would have to wait.

"But you're not just asking me to watch over him, Toshinori. You're asking me to enroll at U.A!" She whined, slumping her shoulders and pouting at him. U.A High School was the most prestigious school an aspiring hero could attend. It was ranked the #1 high school for heroics and considered as the top Hero Academy in Japan. All the Pros attended U.A. Even All Might himself.

It was an extraordinary, once in a lifetime opportunity. But Etsuko had no desire to attend such a school. She had no desire to be a hero, even despite her powerful quirk. For that she had her own reasonings, ones that All Might knew and respected. Yet he couldn't help but push her, knowing her potential that she wouldn't allow herself to see.

Again, All Might smiled anxiously and crookedly. Ofcourse he wasn't expecting his niece to accept his offer, no hesitations. He was only hoping she wouldn't look so annoyed at him. "U.A is a fine school for anyone with a great quirk. It can help you really gain control over it!" He attempted to boast enthusiastically.

But all he succeeded in was making the girl huff as she turned her back to him, no longer wanting to talk.

With a deep sigh, All Might frowned as he watched his niece. The 2 of them were so different to one another, especially after Etsuko lost her parents. She matured so suddenly and became very independent, sometimes too much for her own good. All Might wished that she'd tell him how she was really feeling, instead of putting on a brave face, smiling and pretending things aren't eating her up inside.

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