Baby fever pt 3

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In this story the triplets still live in Boston, and you and Chris have a house to your guys self

* skip a few days *

{ your pov }

Today me and Chris are going over to his parents house to tell his parents, and siblings that I am pregnant.

We just pulled up his parents house and we got out of the car. Then headed in the house to be greeted by the one and only Trevor. (We love Trevor)

I then bent down to pick up Trevor. We then walked into the living room to where everyone was at. (Mary Lou, Jimmy, Nick, Matt and Justin)

We then walked over and sat on the couch that no one was sitting at. Trevor then hopped down and walked over to Jimmy hopping up into his lap. Once we sat down Jimmy spoke up.

"So what's the big news you guys"

He said as everyone was looking at us. I then looked at Chris

"You wanna tell them or should I"

"I want to"

Chris said before he grabbed my hand and looked back over to everyone.

"So the big news that we all wanted to tell you guys is that... y/n is pregnant!"

He had while everyone was in shocked


Mary Lou had said as me and Chris nodded our head. Everyone then got up and came over to us as we stood up as well. They all then gave us a hug.

"Oh my god we are going to be grandparents"

Mary Lou had said while looking at Jimmy

"And we are going to be uncles"

Nick, Matt and Justin somehow said in sync. We then all just sat around talking for a while before me and Chris decided to head back home.

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