Baby fever pt 4

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In this Chris has his license

*skip to the end of the pregnancy*

{ your pov }

I was in the kitchen getting me something to eat because I was starving. I was getting *name food* when Chris walked in and gave me a kiss and then took some of my food.

We was just talking when all of a sudden all of a sudden I got a really sharp pain in my side.


I said while holding my belly and closing my eyes for a second. When I opened my eyes I seen water on the ground. I then looked up at Chris.

He was looking at me concerned.

"My water broke"

I didn't even have to say anything else before he was off the counter, and he went and grabbed the hospital bags. As I was slowly walking to the front door. Once he hits bags he then walked up to me and helped me to the car.

He then helped me in and we drove to the hospital. Once we got there he helped me out and into the building. We got in there and the nurses got me into a room.

After about an hour an half Chris walked back out to the car and grabbed the bags.

* skip to after she has the baby *

I was holding the twin. We named the boy Asher and the girl Amelia. Chris then had the idea of calling everyone to get the reactions.

*after the calls*

We put the babies in the little crib that the hospital is letting us use. Me and Chris then talked a little bit before going to sleep ourselves.

Last part
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