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Groggily Bonnie woke up stretching her arms above her head and pointing her toes. Despite the heat cooking her inside the covers she was buried beneath, her warm skin broke out into goosebumps. Her nipples hardened and the throbbing pulse between her legs served as a reminder that she had been pounded well. She was still wet, of course. Deliciously moist, tender, and ready for yet another encore but someone seemed to be missing. Damon.

Her eyes fluttered at his empty side of the bed and she wondered where he might be. Bathroom, kitchen, or had he left altogether? Bonnie pouted a little.

The sheets felt amazing against her naked body, but what would feel even better would be Damon's lips, tongue, and fingers. He had been so gentle with her, and despite his sometimes inability to follow instruction or to basically listen in general, he had adhered to everything she said, everything she begged for, everything she demanded.

She sighed softly and rolled to her back. She lightly caressed her stomach, her inner thighs, before boldly cupping her breasts, tweaking her nipples. Pleasure was immediate and zoomed through her, igniting her pussy. She had to touch it. Had to relieve some of the pressure and work the edge off. Though Damon was nowhere to be found, she imagined him watching her through heavy-lidded eyes unable to make up his mind on what he wanted to see her fondle and touch. Well, seeing she had two hands, Bonnie kneaded and pinched her nipple and flicked her clit with the other.

Elsewhere Damon just lifted his foot on the bottom step of the staircase when he heard and smelled what the little witch was up to. His mouth watered and cheeks flushed and in two seconds hovered in the doorway of the master bedroom. He scowled at the duvet that blocked his view of the festivities taking place. As if she sensed he had returned, Bonnie kicked the sheets away.

He had been hard since last night, had difficulty getting his jeans to zip and button when he got dressed, but he managed. Now his cock was straining against his fly making walking slightly painful. That's how swollen he was. Damon toed off his boots, hastily stripped out of his shirt, and removed his pants leaving a trail of clothes behind as he climbed on the bed, and pulled Bonnie toward him.

Her eyes sprang open and she didn't have the chance to squeak because Damon was on her, kissing her, and wrapping her toned legs around his narrow waist. Their lips separated just enough for them to hiss the second Damon sheathed his cock inside Bon's slippery folds. This girl had him speaking Italian from how amazing she felt, suctioning and squeezing him with absolute perfection. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he hadn't even made one single pump yet!

Bonnie arched against him, nipples scraping against his chest. He gave one a teasing lick.

"Damon..." Bonnie wiggled beneath him impatiently.

Blood roared in his ears so loudly he could hardly hear her. Regardless he knew what she wanted. Knew what had her clawing at his back and the sheets. Unfortunately for the little minx he wasn't ready to move yet. If he moved he might come and he couldn't come fast, that was unacceptable. He leaned down and kissed from the base of her throat, over her chin, and slanted his mouth on top of hers. The minute their tongues touched Damon rotated his hips exactly three times and stopped. Bonnie sank her teeth into his bottom lip and drew blood. Her vampire lover jerked at the stinging bite but unleashed his most sinisterly charming smile.

"Stop playing with me."

"Oh but I love to play, Bonnie. Watch and see."

They fucked until the afternoon.

They didn't do much talking afterward. Just snuggled in each other's arms, fingers constantly drawing designs leaving behind invisible road maps on the other's skin. Occasionally they'd kiss, swapping between teasing pecks and long, drawn-out smooches that stirred arousal. Damon cupped her cheek and counted Bonnie's freckles while she lightly scratched at the hair growing around his jaw.

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