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We kept kissing, as if the world was ending right now. He still had his legs wrapped around my waist, and it was driving me crazy, wanting to get more.

he then pulled away, smiled at me and suddenly fell asleep.

how can he fall asleep just like that?

I just smiled at the adorable sight. I freed myself from his grip, put a blanket over him and left the room.

I then went on the couch and thought about the moment we just had.

his lips are so soft, it drives me crazy

I then fall asleep, but was woken up by big bang coming from upstairs. I quickly got up and ran to jisungs room. He was laying on the ground, growling. I rushed to him, checking if he didn't got hurt

"What are you doing?" I asked him

"I don't feel too well."

"Well no shit Sherlock, you drank every single bottle in the bar."
I said and rushed to the kitchen for some big bowl. I quickly ran upstairs and gave him the bowl. He started throwing up, and I started patting his back.

Ari woke up, probably by the sound of jisung falling and came inside his room. She saw him throwing up and she got worried.

"Oppa, are you okay? Are you sick?" she asked

"he's okay, don't worry. I will take care of him."
I said

She nodded, patted jisungs back and went back to her room.

when he finally finished throwing up, I quickly went to empty the bowl and came back to him. he was still sitting on the ground. I helped him lay on the bed and I sat on the corner. I was patting his back, as he was growling.

"I feel really bad."

"Don't worry, I will stay with you." I said comfortingly

he just growled again and then quickly took the bowl, throwing up again. I sighed and patted his back. I took the bowl to empty it again and when I came back, I sat on the other side of the bed, so patting his back would be more comfortable.

He then suddenly turned around and he wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my thigh.
I was shocked for a while, but then I became used to it, and I started caressing his face. He was in a deep sleep, and I stayed with him trough the night.

When I woke up, my back was killing me. I then looked down and noticed jisung still sleeping on my thigh. I carefully took his head and put it on the pillow.

I then went downstairs and I texted the school that jisung and I won't be coming today. We're both over 18, so we don't need a legal guardian to text the school. I can just let them know and they will accept it.

( Idk if it works like that, let's pretend it does 😘 )

I then started preparing breakfast for Ari. I made her a sandwich and I went to wake her up.

She was happily eating and after she got ready, I took her to the kindergarten.

When I came back, I just watched TV and didn't really do much, I let jisung rest, so he can get out of his hangover.

It was time for lunch, so I decided I will make jisung some hangover soup. I put it on the table and I started making something for myself. I then heard someone coming down the stairs.

I looked at him and he was already changed. He was in a oversized hoodie and sweatpants. He looked really tired.

"Good morning." he said

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