Oral Fixation

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Bo Sinclair:

His mind would immediately be in the gutter. He would catch on pretty quick and would gladly offer his...services. Would find great enjoyment in just watching you mouth at whatever is closest to you. Finds it erotic and slightly endearing (Although he would never admit that part out loud...unless it's to tease you)

Vincent Sinclair:

Would be more curious than Bo, but his mind would also eventually go to what else he could put in your mouth. (I fully believe he is a touch-starved sex fiend and nothing will change my mind) Would spend more time staring at you as you nibble/suck/chew on whatever you find and he more than likely has a few sketches of you doing so.

Michael Myers:

Doesn't seem to care, but some items he will rip out of your mouth because he deems it "unsafe". Will absolutely randomly shove his fingers inside your mouth curiously before getting riled up and shoving you to your knees while pawing at his pants.

Otis Driftwood:

Absolutely makes fun of you. Calls you names, some are pretty creative, before offering to give you something to keep your mouth busy. Anytime he sees you start to nibble or suck on random things he's immediately palming himself through his pants and dragging you closer. Is perhaps trying to condition you to seek him out when you want something in your mouth.

Luigi Largo:

Secretly finds it endearing, but will gut anybody who hears him say it. Will buy you whatever fidget toys you want, numerous necklaces that you can safely put in your mouth, and will threaten Pavi when he starts making lewd comments. Although it does give him some ideas...

Thomas Hewitt:

Is transfixed almost immediately by this habit of yours. Will poke at your lips or cheek when you spend a while gnawing on something, prompting you to give your mouth a break, and he will make all sorts of racket and threatening rumbles if Hoyt (or anyone else) says something inappropriate. Will awkwardly but earnestly massage your jaw if you complain about it being sore. Just finds it fascinating.

Brahms Heelshire:

Is curious about your habit and will even try to chastise you for putting random things in your mouth. Chewing on your necklaces isn't "ladylike" and he will pout about it before you explain to him that it's something you really can't control. He then will start finding random things to gift you that you could use instead and will stare at you the entire time. Mind definitely goes to the gutter and he will eventually start shoving his fingers in your mouth hopefully.

Jason Voorhees:

Is at a loss on what to do or act. Will snatch things away from you if he thinks it's dangerous or dirty, will stare at you for an almost uncomfortable amount of time, but will ultimately try to find things for you to keep you distracted that he deems "safe". His mind does go into the gutter but he won't act on his urges out of shame or embarrassment. Will bring you items from his victims to see if it's something that will help you. Will pat your head or nudge your shoulder if he finds you doing it without thought.

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