Chapter 17: Departure, Yet Again

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Coffee? Do I smell coffee? I woke up to the smell of coffee. That only means one thing, Connor is still here. We never use the coffee pot unless he is here. I always go to Starbucks.

I climbed out of bed and took a quick shower. I still had on my leotard and tights with my high, messy bun. I got dressed in pastel blue high waisted shorts and a loose-fitted white shirt that says 'My Life Is A Click Away' with the mouse pointer over the letter 'A'. I left my hair natural so it could air dry.

I made my way down the stairs. I followed the smell of coffee to the kitchen. There, sitting on the counter reading something on his phone, was my dad.

"Morning, Father." I kissed his cheek and grabbed an empty coffee mug.

"Morning, babygirl. You sore?"

"Actually no. I'm surprised. Usually my thighs would be killing me by now."

"Well that's good."

"Yup, and I woke up to the smell of coffee. That never happens so I took advantage." I smirked. A huge smile leapt onto Connor's face. I even got a giggle outta him.

"Are the others up yet?" I asked taking a sip of my now fixed coffee.

"Yup. All of them. Trevor is editing a video. Ricky is taking a shower. Then the other three are racing each other on Mario Kart." I laughed. The last part is so typical of Kian, Sam, and Jc.

"Did Kian tell you about his challenge on Mario Kart?" I smirked then took a sip of coffee.

"Well he didn't have to, it was all on video. I watched that vlog and laughed so hard! It's typical for someone to challenge you and you come out the victor." I smiled.

"That's sweet. But I learn from the best." I wrapped him in a quick hug.

"I'm gonna go see Trev." I said and smiled up at him. I kissed his forehead and ran to Trevor's room. I knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Was yelled to me. I opened the door and peaked my head in.

"How's editing going?" I closed the door behind me. I walked to his bed and hovered over him. I ended up sitting on his lap.

"Give me your hand." Trevor said, holding his out for me to place mine in. I did as I was told and he grabbed my index finger.

"On the count of 3, me and you are gonna press 'upload' together. This is OUR video. TOGETHER anything is possible. I want to believe this quote now more than ever." I smiled and nodded my head.

"1." He said.

"2" I said.

"3" We said together and pressed the button. Instantly, the video popped up on his page.

"Let's tweet!" He exclaimed. I giggled at his enthusiasm and tweeted.

@Katieswizzle101- New vid with @TrevorMoran on his channel! Check it out!! ❤

I sent my tweet and set my phone down. I took a deep breath and stood up. Trevor was on his phone so I walked down the stairs and to the game room. I opened the door and poked my head in. I saw Jc kicking butt in Mario Kart. Sam and Kian were arguing over who gets to play Jc next. I laughed and shut the door.

"KATIE! SAM! KIAN! JC! RICKY! TREVOR! COME TO THE LIVING ROOM!" I ran to the living room and saw Connor standing by the front door with a suitcase next to him. The boys came running in and stopped by the entryway to the living room.

"See you in a couple weeks!" I hugged dad and backed up to the other boys.

"Uh, Kay, I'm extending my tour over seas. I'll be away a few months."

"What? Why? You can't." I stepped a few steps forward.

"I have to."

"You're really going to be gone for a few months?" My eyes teared up. I just stood in place, staring at my father. He knelt down and opened his arms up. I ran into them and sat on his knee.

"Yes. I have to. I'll be back before you know it."

"But, but, but, that's too long. And I can't just not have a dad for a few months." I cried into his shoulder. I never realized the importance of my father. I never realized until now that distance sucks. I never realized until now that my dad is actually going to be gone. Jc walked over and pealed me off of him.

"Jc. No. No. Don't do this." I tried fighting out of his arms, but he was too strong.

"No. Dad, don't leave me. I need you. I won't see you for months. Dad, please." I begged. I had tears streaming down my face. Not to mention Connor did too.

"Bye, Kay. Love you." He waved to me. He opened the front door and turned around to face me. He smiled a sincere smile towards me. Then, he shut the door. And my dad was gone. I crumbled to the floor. I now know that he means so much to me. It didn't seem like he was going to be gone for so long. I was told a couple weeks, not A FEW FRIGGIN MONTHS!

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