Pains of a homeless man

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Sitting in front of a supermarket, was a old man. Begging for money, food, water, or anything that can help him survive the cold days. The only friend he had was his dog, a very old german shepherd. Humans had betrayed him, the ones who he trusted the most, the ones he had loved. But this dog, who he called Bailey, had never left him. Had always been with him, in times of trouble, providing warmth and comfort to the man. Thats why it hurt him so bad, to see the dog panting, for some food or water.

He remembered when life was easier, probably about two years ago? He couldn't keep track of days anymore. His wife who he had loved so much betrayed him. She stole most of his money and kicked him out of his house. But he loved her too much to do anything to her. He asked his friends and relatives for help, but none of them wanted to let a filthy man inside. Bailey was the only one with him at all times. So he lived outside from then onwards. Moving and begging for money each day. Kind people will sometimes give him food and water, and gave Bailey some dog food, but they were mostly ignored. The mans eyes filled up with tears remembering all of this. He couldn't with life anymore. He had enough.

Suddenly a little girl came up to him. "Hello. What are you doing here, why are you sitting down outside? Mummy always said not to sit on the filthy floors outside. It always makes my dresses dirty. Then Mummy will scold me." She said. "Oh, well I have no choice," He said. "Thats such a cute dog! Hello little doggy! I wish I had any treats for you doggy, but I don't. I've got some water though?" Bailey wagged her tail. She liked the little girl.

The girl pulled her glittery unicorn bag and got out a brand new bottle of water and gave him some water. The man accepted it, so happy to finally get some water for him and his thirsty dog. Just as he said thank you, a women came. "Ari! We were looking everywhere for you!" She said in a deep voice. When she saw how Ari was talking to some filthy homeless man, and her face went from relief to caution, worry and disgust. "Bye!" Ari said as she went with her mother. The man could hear her saying how she shouldn't talk to strangers.

Bailey and the man both drank the water. She was panting heavily after drinking, and thats when the man knew that it was going to die soon. His started crying and hugging. her. They both fell asleep, and when the man woke up, he looked at Bailey, but she didn't wake up. She never did. And the man also knew he only had a few more months left, until he would have to die too.

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