Chapter 7

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Nico left the Apollo cabin, a slight blush on his cheeks. He started walking back to Cabin 13 when someone ran up to him. Oh Gods, he thought, what does he want this time?

"Hey Neeks." Jason slowed to a walk beside Nico. "Why's everyone giving me nicknames? I have an actually name, you know." Jason smiled. "I saw you leaving the Apollo cabin." "Yea," Percy said, coming from just behind him. "You look a little, sun kissed."

Nico was blushing furiously now, and began picking up the place. "And I'd say he's got a more sunny disposition." Jason added. The two burst out laughing, earning some glances from fellow campers. "Shut up, will you?!" Nico shouted, embarrassed and annoyed, his face a dark red.

"Okay, okay," Percy put his hands up in surrender. "Take a chill pill." Jason seized the opportunity. "Or a Will pill!" Nico's face became even darker, if that was even possible. He ran the rest of the way to his cabin, slamming the door behind him.


At dinner, Nico sat at his table, avoiding Will's gaze. Will knew something was up, but he didn't want to mention it where everyone could hear. So, after Nico finished his food, or at least part of it, Will followed him back to his cabin.

Will knocked on the door, then entered anyway, so no one would see him. "Hey Death Boy, you okay?" Nico was sitting on his coffin-like bed, deep in concentration. He hadn't noticed Will come in. "Hello? Earth to Nico." Will waved his hand in front of the Italian's face. Nico looked up, surprised. "Uh, what are you doing here?" "You seemed really distant at dinner. I wanted to make sure you were okay. So, are you?" He asked, sitting down next to Nico.

 Nico was quiet. "Do yo- I mean, should we, er, tell people?" Will was a little shocked by this question. "Woah, where's this coming from? I didn't even know we were a thing to tell." "Oh, well," Nico was mumbling, barely audible. "Jason and Percy seem to think we are..." He trailed off.

"We can be whatever you like." Will's voice was calm, soothing. It made Nico feel relaxed, at peace. He thought for a moment. "Boyfriends?" Will gave Nico a warm embrace. "Boyfriends."


They left the cabin for campfire, talking about random stuff that came to mind. How many patients Will had that day, how Nico did in sword practice, even Jason and Percy's puns, which Will found quite clever. Normally Nico would feel awkward in this type of situation, but it was different with Will. Will was just, so... Nico didn't know how to describe it.

They sat down near the back, trying not to draw attention to themselves. No one noticed them until the campfire was over, when they began to walk back to Nico's cabin. One of Will's sisters, a new kid about 10, called to him. "Hey Will, where you going?" He and Nico froze. A few people turned to the pair, wanting to know what was going on.

"Oh, I uh, accidentally grabbed one of his spare shirts when I left the infirmary the other day." Nico was about to leave once more when he heard Jason. "Sure you did." Nico flushed red, Will doing the same. "Um, we'll be going now." Will ushered Nico away, still embarrassed.


A/N: So sorry I hadn't updated in so long, I'd been a bit busy with the end of school, and I really haven't had that many ideas. So if you do, please share them. Thank you all for reading, ~LR

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2015 ⏰

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