sweet confession

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Lilyfay groaned as she began to regain consciousness, her eyelids fluttering open to reveal a blurry world around her.

Lilyfay:Ugh... Pj Robot?...She mumbled, her voice barely above a whisper.

Pj Robot turned around, a wide grin lighting up his face as he saw Lilyfay stirring.

Pj Robot:*beeps*(Guys, she's awake!)!he called out excitedly, prompting the Power Heroes to gather around.

The Power Heroes clustered around Lilyfay, their faces lit up with a mix of joy and relief.

Gekko:LILYFAY, YOUR BACK!!!Gekko exclaimed, nearly lunging forward to hug her.

Owlette:Hold on, guys, let's give her some space.she advised, gently pulling Gekko away by his tail.

Lilyfay:Don't worry I'm ok, actually I feel...Lilyfay, now more alert, reassured them, She sat up and looked down at her hands.

Lilyfay:ZING-TACULAR!!!she cried out, soaring into the air, her powers fully restored.

Lilyfay:My powers are back how!?

Catboy:You can thank the person right here.Catboy said, pointing to Ice Cub.

Ice Cub:Well, it was nothing, really.he said modestly, rubbing the back of his head, not wanting to make a big deal out of it.

Lilyfay let out a happy squeal and instantly hugged Ice Cub tightly.

Lilyfay:*whisper*I knew you could do it.she whispered sweetly in his ear, her words a soft, comforting embrace.

Ice Cub blushed but returned her hug with warmth.

Lilyfay:Anyways, since we've got our powers back, and Romeo's defeated, let's party!Lilyfay declared, releasing herself from the hug.

Newton Star:You really want to party now?he asked, his confusion evident.

Lilyfay:Yeah, why not?she replied with enthusiasm.

The Power Heroes exchanged puzzled glances but eventually shrugged.

Catboy:Alright, sure.

Pj Robot went to the Picture Player, started playing some music, and transformed the room with colorful disco lights.

The Power Heroes began dancing and enjoying themselves, completely unaware that Night Ninja, the Ninjalinos, and Luna Girl were now awake and free from Romeo's hypnosis.

Night Ninja:Should we leave or just keep watching this?he asked, observing the festivities.

Luna Girl:I say we join them.she suggested with a flirty smile, making her way over to Gekko.

Luna Girl:May I have this dance, my lizard prince?she inquired playfully.

Gekko:You may, my moon princess.he responded, taking her hand, and they began to dance.

Night Ninja rolled his eyes and, blushing, looking at An Yu, who was dancing nearby.

The Ninjalinos exchanged knowing glances and, with a sly push, sent Night Ninja stumbling into An Yu.

Night Ninja:An Yu, I'm so sorry. my Ninjalinos are just so silly!he exclaimed, embarrassed, as he helped her up.

An Yu:It's-

An Yu began, but the Ninjalinos intervened, positioning Night Ninja and An Yu into a slow-dancing stance.

Night Ninja and An Yu both looked at each other and blush.

Night Ninja:I..I..I..I-

An Yu:Shh, if you wanted to dance you can just say so.she said smile to him and they began to slow dance.

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