[ 007 ] adolescence.

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SHE HONESTLY COULDN'T BELIEVE what she'd heard. She truly didn't understand it. Kendall had been the instigator, had been the one to lock Roman inside of a dog cage and yet Roman was the one sent away? How did that make sense in any way?

            How could Logan send away one of his kids as punishment for being 'weak' when the real perpetrator got to walk free? It was just so Logan Roy though. This entire thing. Frankie despised the man. Now, she wasn't a bad person, didn't wish for bad things to happen to people she hated but she hated Logan and she wished him nothing but the worst.

The only thing worst than Roman being sent away was the fact that his family genuinely didn't seem to give a fuck. Take this very instance for example, Shiv had just informed her that Roman was gone and she seemed so unfazed by it.

"He sent Roman away?" Frankie exclaimed. Her eyes were wide, pupils shaking as she clenched her fists down by her sides. "How the fuck does that make any sense?"

Shiv just shrugged her shoulders. "That's my dad for you. Do you want a drink?" She questioned the blonde as she moved to the refrigerator.

Frankie balked. She loved Siobhan, she truly did but right now Frankie wanted to strangle her. "No, I don't want a drink, Shiv. I want to know where Roman went. Where is he now?"

"St. Andrews." Shiv replied as she grabbed herself a new bottle of water. She'd initially wanted to indulge on some alcoholic beverages but Frankie's response to Roman being sent away was seriously harshing the fun she had planned.

Her breath got caught her throat. Suddenly, her tongue felt as though it weighed a ton. Her ears grew fuzzy at the words that spilled past Shiv's lips. "A military school? He sent Roman to a military school?" Her voice was high as she spoke, mostly from the absolute disbelief she felt.

So not only has he been sent away but he'd also sent to a military school in Tennessee. Every little bit of information that the young girl was learning brought her one step closer to her head exploding. This was just like Logan. God forbid he be a fucking father for once. No, of course he would send away the 'problem.'

Shiv groaned in annoyance. "He will be back, you know?" The redhead uttered as she laid herself across the cooling, marble surface of the kitchen counter.

"When?" Frankie threw her hands up in the air. She was frustrated. Irritation was practically oozing from her pores as she ranted and raved. "When your dad decides that he's no longer an issue?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09 ⏰

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