Chapter 19.

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Estrella POV.

I stare at the crying baby on ground I back away in disgust and Hades picks it up.

Hades“ He's quite handsome despite who his father
he baby looks my way and giggles I glare at it and Hades looks at me.

Hades“ You wanna-.


The baby cries and I scoff and Thanatos makes silly faces at it and Zeus pats his belly.

I glare and I look at my legs smeared by blood and I begin to cry.

I had a child I didn't want!


I'm standing behind a wall watching the gods dote on that thing.

Hera is currently breastfeeding it and I glare.

The baby looks my way and does grabby hands I walk off disgusted by it.

Kronos POV.

I'm watching the interaction and I feel my heart break she hates our child.


Estrella POV.

I hear crying from the room that annoyance is in I groan knowing the other gods aren't going to care.

I storm to that room and I stand over the baby who's crying out so loud.

Estrella“ WHY DON'T YOU-.

He grabs my finger and my eyes widen I stare at the baby boy he whimpers and I awkwardly pick him up.

Hera POV.

I watch Estrella cradle the baby and I smile she sits in a rockin chair.

Estrella“ Your so pretty and your powerful you'll one day make the great ones grovel.

I listen to her lullaby and I notice how emotinless her eyes are she almost sounds like a hollow body.

She stands up and looks at the baby with disgust and sadness she sets him in the crib.

Estrella“ I love you but I can't dare hold you without being reminded how you came to this world.

She stands and heads to the balcony.

Estrella“ Before I leave I give you a name Phoenix.

She jumps off and I walk to the balcony and watch her falling she lands on the ground.

Estrella POV.

I'm sitting criss cross and vines begin to wrap around I begin to be surrounded by bark.

Hera POV.

Hera“ *smiles* May we reunite again.


Villager POV.

I walk to my crops and I notice a unique sight.

We all walk towards the tree and we all gasp seeing the shape of a woman on the tree

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We all walk towards the tree and we all gasp seeing the shape of a woman on the tree.

Zeus POV.

We all stare at the tree and I sigh.

Zeus“ One day she'll awaken but hopefully the motherly love will warm her even more.

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