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Justin's Pov:

"Have you ever been to New York?" Aj asked as we sat looking out at the view the balcony in her room gave us.

"Of course, plenty of times on tour and for photo shoots and stuff," I answered her.

"I really want to go there. I think its so cool how it's city like, like here, but they have four seasons. Like I have never really seen snow before because i've lived in Cali my whole life." She shrugged before continuing, "I think what draws me there the most is that even through change the people there still go about their lives laughing and meeting knew people and as they change the world around them changes. The snow erodes things and makes changes and when Spring and Summer come around it's like a new beginning. The snow and the cold washes away the usage of the city from the previous season. The fact that people can adjust to that is incredible."

I looked at her as she talked, her gaze else where. One leg was underneath her while she was hugging her other knee to her chest. The way her eye brow furrowed when she spoke about never being there but the want in her voice made me want to book a flight and take her there tonight. She seemed so passionate about it. I sat on the balcony chairs staring at her profile just taking in her beauty. The way her eyes glistened when she spoke about something she liked or something that interested her. Her dark hair over one shoulder, blowing slightly in the small breeze in the air. The perfect color of her lips and their plumpness and her tan skin complexion due to the constant UV exposure she got.

She was drop dead gorgeous and I liked everything about her, down to her core. It was odd that I had been admitting it to myself that I actually had feelings for Aj because I honestly hadn't had feelings like this in my whole entire life. Me and Selena were puppy love but the connection and attraction I had for Aj was something I had never experienced in my life. Having Aj around brought something out in me that I never wanted to give up. I wasn't spending time with her just because of that but she made me into a better person, she showed me that i'm worth something, that people actually care about me and that I can care about other people. She was changing me.

"Justin?" Aj's soft voice tore me from my day dreaming and our eyes connected.

She looked concerned but I gave her a small smile, "I promise to take you one day." Her face contorted into utter confusion and I know her concern for my blank stare moments before had totally distracted her from our recent conversation. "New York. I'll bring you one day."

A look of realization passed over her before her cheeks flushed and she shook her head, "I could never let you pay for that. I'll make it there one day, don't worry." Aj tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before turning her head back towards the view off her balcony with a smile on her face.

I didn't care what she said, I was going to take her there just because it was something she wanted. I had the urge to make her happy and I wanted that just as much as her want to explore.

"Where do you want to go?" She asked looking at me with curious eyes after a moment of comfortable silence.

"Hm," I contemplated. I had been a lot of places due to my career but there were still a list of places I hadn't that were beyond gorgeous and attracted me. "Definitely Jamaica," Aj nodded agreeing. "I heard the weed there is a-mazing!" I laughed.

She shook her head laughing also, "You're ridiculous!" She got up off her chair and walked into her bedroom.

"But that's why you like me sweetheart.." I said in a husky voice following her back into her bedroom.

She stopped and turned to look at me with her eyes squinted, "Eh we're barely friends, don't push it Bieber."

"I mean you did kiss me.. But whatever you say Aj," I smirked at her and her dirty look soon turned into a smile before she rolled her eyes and walked into her bathroom.

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