The Twins Beginning

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The first thing the twins saw when they opened their eyes was their mother as she held then looking down with a small smile on her face as she looked at them "honey aren't they just beautiful?" Liliana said to Ajax as he laughed softly and looked at his children "yes, they are..their so precious Oliver looks so much like you i'm sure he will be a bright child indeed just like his mother" he would say, she smiled and looked over to Kiyomi "On the other side Kiyomi looks just like you, i'm sure she will become just as smart as you, they both will be beauties when they grow up..i'm so glad i had the chance to have a family with you" she said softly a few days past and they were finally able to go home when they arrived the twins were fast asleep so they set them in their cribs and went to bed themselves that's when they began to cry Liliana woke up first irritated as she woke up their father "Shut those brats up. their so noisy." she said in a harsh tone he was shocked hearing her talk about her own children like that but he didn't comment thinking she was just exhausted so he just sighed before getting up to go to the twins as he arrived he cradled them in his arms as he spoke softly to them "hey, hey don't cry everything's ok you're father here  to give you both the best life ever, your mother as well no need to cry" he would say as he found out what was wrong and quickly attended to it as he rocked his children in his arms he would hum a melody to them and they slowly started to drift to sleep when they were finally asleep again he gently placed them back in their crib kissing their heads as well as covering them in their blanket to keep them warm as they slept "goodnight my beloved children" he would whisper before going back to his room to get some more sleep for the morning, he would drift back to sleep wrapping his arm around his wife's waist and snuggling up to her as he fell asleep, as a few more hours past they both were awoken by the sound of the crying twins Liliana was annoyed as she got up and went to the twins room Ajax thought nothing of it until he heard crying as well as screaming "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU BRATS" Liliana would yell, in a matter of seconds Ajax would be in the room seeing young oliver on the ground and kiyo about to be thrown he did not recognize the woman in front of him, that was not his wife and he knew it wasn't here in worry and fear for his kids life he rushed and grabbed Kiyomi from her mothers arms and quickly checked on Oliver seeing a small bruise on his head he held the twins close while glaring at their mother who just stared down with a cold expression "what the fuck Liliana, their your children i thought you said you wanted us to be a happy family!, don't you care the slightest about them?" he said in anger as she was the one who wanted a family in the first place sure he wanted one with her to, but not this type of family not one where his children have to be in danger she just laughed "I only said what you wanted to hear. your always looking at other woman and talking to those ones whenever they approach you and as for the twins. i could care less what happens to them, those aren't my kids kiyomi was supposed to be a demon. but she turned out to be a pathetic little angel. We could be a happy family truly, but unfortunately i want to see them suffer, they are way too noisy in general." she said as her husband looked at her in anger not believing what his wife was saying, that was not the woman he chose to marry "i want a divorce and i'm taking the kids." he would say but she wasn't having it, she gripped his hair and stared into his eyes "your not leaving me. plus who says you will get custody of them?. usually the mom gets them and its not like you'd have any proof i have done anything to them as i can simply heal them with magic or did you forget i still have some of my powers. if you leave i'll simply kill off the twins the second i get custody of them, you wouldn't want that to happen hm?" she said and that's when his heart cracked he didn't want his children hurt nor killed, he wanted them to live a very happy life alive he would do anything for them he looked at her scared for his children's life's before he gave in "fine, i won't leave just don't hurt my children." he said as he stared at her "we will see, all you have to do is stay by my side and be obedient okay?." she said as he nodded quickly after she left the room as he just sat there looking at his children as he hugged them apologizing over and over for what their mom did to them "She won't hurt you again i promise i'll protect you from her my children." he said as he rocked them till they stopped crying, he would read little stories to them and brought them to their mom for feeding before bringing them back and rocking them to sleep when they were asleep again he put them in their crib and smiled at them still angry he couldn't do more for them, all he could do was sit and hope that they wouldn't be in danger at all as he adores his children so much and would hate anything to happen to them as he left the room he went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for himself and that woman who was his wife when he finally finished he set it on the table as he went to his wife "I made breakfast, why don't you go eat hun?" he knew he should hate her completely for what she did but that's how much he loved his wife, but he didn't know who she was anymore even so she looks just like the woman he fell in love with and that's what pained him so much she gently looked at him with the expression of how she used to be and that made him melt as she smiled and hugged him giving him a quick peck "thank you dear, your truly the best" she said as she walked in front of her husband who walked after her to the table as they sat down they began to eat but it wasn't normal, it was too quiet and usually they would talk and laugh at the table whenever they were there but they didn't, no one uttered a word as Ajax had seen a version of her he had never seen before after they ate he quickly went to his room looking at old pictures of him and his wife wondering what went wrong, questioning what made her like this as she was a loving person in the past he was so worried for the future, what would happen to him?, what would happen to his children?.

meanwhile Liliana would be in the children's room looking a them coldy before Nikolai opened his golden eyes to see his mother as he reached his arms up as best as he could smiling slightly at her as she lifted him up and held him suddenly all her hatred going away for a second as oliver looked just like her as a child but she still didn't care for him still, she noticed how much oliver seemed to warm up to her already and knew she could use that against him as she held him close humming a melody to him as she walked around the room acting like the so called loving mother she was supposed to play technically, as he giggled and looked at his mother he loved her dearly, from the moment little oliver opened his eyes and saw his mother he wanted everything to be by his mothers side and there he was in his moms arms as she rocked him and carried him, taking care of him, not remembering anything his mom had did to him, gently Liliana placed her hand on his small bruise and healed him as a few minutes later his dad came in to check on his children as he saw Liliana acting like a mother to young oliver, giving that child love that what made him smile seeing her like this, so loving towards their child as she walked around rocking the tiny child slightly while rocking him slightly in her arms, he fell for her act as he leaned against the wall watching his wife is awe before young kiyo woke up and made tiny noises as her father went to the crib she was layed on and lifted her in his arms "is someone awake?" he said gently as he smiled at her holding her close as young kiyo laughed a bit a small smile forming Liliana would glare at them both looking at kiyo she saw the resemblance between her and her father which made her hate kiyo more, that face that she fell in love with before that turned into a obsession and jealousy turned into a bit of hatred towards her own husband as she had no intention of giving that child any of her attention, nor did she even plan to give oliver much attention this was just a random moment, she would use that to get close to him growing up, so she could get revenge as he had a strong mana that she could sense, stronger than her own as it seemed she could kill off the other 2 with him and maybe even get revenge on her parents for banishing her to the human realm, just what could she possibly be plotting in that head of hers, i'm not even sure myself, Ajax even couldn't read her she was good at acting innocent but she was truly the devil in disguise as she was pure evil and didn't care if someone stood in her way she would have some plan to get rid of them from interfering with everything she had planned. she gently placed oliver back in his crib before walking out of the room as she couldn't stand being in the same room as the girl who looked too much like her father, she hated kiyo for taking after her own father. she then went through her husbands phone as she went to their room seeing a girl contacting him not reading anything else she made a assumption and just as her husband walked in the room she grabbed his hair tossing him to the ground as she looked at him coldy "why are you talking to other girls?, i'm your only wife and the only girl you should communicate with. i don't care who it is. your mine. no one else's." she said as she punched him in the gut as he winced in pain looking at her "your being too obsessive.." he said through the pain earning a slap "obsessive?, maybe i am but its just the truth know your place and be a obedient little dog for me, no one else can have you." the room filled with tiny yelps of pain as she hurt her husband out of anger and obsessiveness after she left he had pulled himself up from the ground and fixed himself up, covering up wounds so that no one would have to see him this way, no one had to know what happened at home, he would tolerate this as long as he was the one getting hit and not the two who were so precious to him, his dear children Kiyo and Nikolai so he put up with the abuse for them only.

1 year later the twins have learned to crawl they were rather close growing up, they were always stuck together and the father would look in awe at their interactions with each other, but the more oliver grew the more attached he got to his mother he craved her attention at such a young age that every time he would see her he'd crawl over to her as quickly as he could only to be kicked away as she looked down at him with a cold glare, only sometimes she would pay attention to him, but that was not often as most times he would beam towards her she would push him away, the confused 1 year old child didn't understand he would cry there till his father comforted him and held him close, him and his sibling would always play together meanwhile as their mom had became a model they had to put on this fake image in front of everyone. the children at the time didn't really understand anything but today their family photoshoot with Liliana acting in awe at the sight of her children and husband of course only the husband knew the truth as the children were too young to know the truth, they smiled softly at the camera as their mother held the twins in her arms they took pictures some with her holding oliver or kiyo while their father held the other twin as they looked and smiled when they got home though every time wasn't as "perfect" as they seemed to be they were not your ideal perfect family, but no one would ever think that nor would they know or even suspect in the slightest as Liliana was portraying them as the perfect family in front of anyone who didn't know them, she coldy stared at her children and husband before throwing oliver to Ajax harshly as he caught him rather quickly glaring at his childs mother with anger as she walked away saying "If it's for my reputation i will do anything, nobody needs to know what goes on in our household, play along or you know the consequences." she said before she finally left entirely, he held his children close angry he ever married and started a family with this woman, if they were never born no if he hadn't met that woman at the border then nothing would of happened, he would of fell in love with someone else and had a happy family and he wouldn't have to see his children suffer just because his own wife was selfish and didn't care for them at all. if only he could reverse time he would be able to stop the suffering of his children he cared for dearly, but he does not regret having them as they have become the best stars in his life he decided since the moment they were born he would give them the world and cherish them with love and care to give them the most happiest life he could give them, it wouldn't be perfect no, not with Liliana in it so he planned that he would run away with them one day to escape her and get them out of there so they wouldn't have to suffer anymore as their mother neglected them and he would work his ass off just to attend to his children's needs, he wasn't that busy as he still had time for his children, he worked well and had a good salary as well so he spoiled his children with small gifts and supported them even starting to save up for collage for when they grow up, so that they can have a good education. he brought his children tot he kitchen placing them in their highchairs before getting their favorite baby food out of the fridge and putting them in bowls as he set them on their highchairs and gave them their spoons he giggled as they got slightly messy while eating and gently cleaned up their faces once they were done with their food not long after the children were playing in their room with their father watching over them for the meantime reading them books time to time when they decided to climb in his lap and sit there staring up at him as he read all these amazing stories to them they laughed and slowly fell asleep not long after that. Ajax let down his guard for once seeing them sleeping peacefully and fell asleep sitting by their crib wondering what amazing things he could do in the future with his children as he was dozed off he dreamt abt going traveling with his children, taking them all over the world so that they could enjoy every second of it.

The Kids Continued To Grow As They Turned The Age Of 2 They Were Running Around The House And Saying Few Words as well oliver mostly tried to spend his time around his mother but was shut down countless times, pushed away and comforted by the arms of his father, times with his sister kiyomi were remarkable as they brought endless joy to his life and ajax enjoyed watching the twins live their lives, though one day liliana came home in a bad mood as oliver ran up to her in excitement to see his mom holding a picture of him and his mom, she looked down at him in cruelty taking the picture and ripping it in front of olivers eyes, the tears formed in his eyes as he watched his mother tear his drawing, she crumbled the pieces up and dropped it on the floor before she spoke "stop crying over nothing, useless brat" after she said those words she kicked oliver to the ground making him cry louder before she walked past him, kiyomi heard his crying and came running to him quickly wrapping his arms around her brother she didn't know why he was crying, she just knew she had to be there for him as she hated seeing her twin brother in tears, a few minutes later their father arrived from the store the children were playing as oliver had calmed down, kiyo bolted to her father the second she saw him oliver chasing after her as their father immediately knelt down putting the bags on the ground and wrapping his arms around his two children "i see you both are live with energy today, i got some presents for you both" he said as he grabbed the tiny stuffed animals from his bag one being a cat and the other being  a bear, oliver quickly grabbed the cat stuffed animal from his fathers hand and smiled as kiyomi gently grabbed the teddy bear hugging her father again as a thank you before she ran off her brother oliver trailing behind her as they went to their room, ajax then went to make the children food as he knew they must be hungry it was around lunch time right now so he went off and made some macaroni and cheese for the twins before calling for them once it was made they ran quickly and finished their food their father was thinking in his room of plans to escape from this place with them, he knew that the chance of failing was there and he would hate to see what would happen if he were to fail to escape from that womans claws, he made up his mind then and there that he would at the very least get his children out safely he didn't care if he was caught if they were able to escape, he had everything planned out he would escape with the twins when they turn 3 years old at least then he could teach them everything they need to know, he knew he could accomplish it after planning out how he would escape he returned to the kitchen to the twins who had just finished their meal and washed their bowls before taking them out for the day, he took them to many places treating them with treats and other things that he thought they would enjoy, their mother trailing behind them and acting like a mother to her children, oliver lit up as she hugged him and showed him affection as they were out, they even went to the carnival and went on some rides oliver would be right by his mom the whole time smiling and hugging her randomly as they spent time together for the first time in a while, he didn't get his moms affection that much but when he did he forgave her for anything bad she ever did to him, ajax was scared at that fact knowing that his mom is using how much she loves him to just use him he didn't know what for at all, but whenever he tried to distance oliver from her he would run back to her every time, oliver was so facinated by his mom and didn't care how much she made him cry as long as he was with his mother he thought he would be alright, as the day ended they were back home... A loud crash could be heard from the living room as ajax froze as he saw what was happening oliver was crying glass was on the floor with liliana standing in front of oliver as she was screaming at him ajax quickly wrapped his sons head in whatever bandages he could find first and yelled at their mother "HE'S ONLY 2 WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU COULD KILL HIM IF YOU DO ANY MAJOR DAMAGE TO HIS HEAD, WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING" he looked at her in anger as she responded "He's fine it's not like he would of died anyways it's just a tiny scratch, it's his own fault he shouldn't of clung to me like a little brat, he never shuts up and is useless. you should really mind your own buissness though honey." she said "that is fucking besides the point. you promised you wouldn't hurt them liliana. you had no right to throw that at him even if it was a minor scratch you put him at risk." in the corner of the room was kiyomi she heard the yelling but all she could focus on was oliver, fear in her eyes for him as she didn't understand fully what was going on but she saw oliver hurt thats all she cared about, her brother was injured and she didn't like that as she ran to him in tears hugging him tightly in her arms. as their father yelled at their mother all that liliana did was stare down coldy not caring one bit as always in her eyes they were of use to her so she kept them around and didn't plan on letting them go any time soon, no honestly i don't think she was ever planning on letting them go free. after that night he decided he'd get them out of there as soon as possible when he has the chance to run from her with oliver and kiyomi.

cliff hanger time?, yes ding ding ding, what will happen next?, will they escape?, will they get caught?, who knows adios my fellows this is it for chapter two.

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