Chapter 3

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Three days had passed since Annabeth and I's shower together. And she had been radio silent. Actively avoiding me, and running away every time she sees me.

I started feeling down, I started skipping breakfast and lunch, and at dinner, she didn't sit with me of course. I was left alone at my table, picking at my food, and eventually leaving without eating.

I barely left my cabin, in those days. Grover even came over once to see if I was alright. And that there was a rumor that Annabeth and I broke up.

I said that it wasn't true, at least I hope it wasn't. He seemed to understand, he wanted to stay and sleep over, but I told him I wanted to be alone.

I was laying in bed, with no clue on what time it was. Since I threw my alarm clock into the lake. All I did know was, Annabeth hates me for some reason, and it was night time. Probably around 1, 2, or 3...maybe 4 in the morning. All I knew was that it was night.

After giving up, trying to beat my record of depressed sighs. I decided to try and catch some sleep, so I can try again tomorrow. I closed my eyes, and rolled over facing the wall. After some time passed, I heard a floor board squeak behind me.

I uncapped Riptide, and quickly sat up pointing the tip of the sword at the direction of the noise.

The sword tip was about 6 sinches away from splitting Annabeth in two.

"Oh, sorry," I said, and laid back in bed cuddling Riptide.

"Percy," She said softly. "Hey, look at me."

I turned my head to see her standing there. "I see you, now can I go back to pretending to sleep?"

"I'm sorry!" She said loudly, startling me. "I got scared."

"Scared of what?" I said. "You told me it was the best moment of your life."

"Percy..." She said softly, tears starting to well up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry..." I said. "I just thought that we would be closer and love after that. Then you started ghosting me. There were even rumors that we had broken up, and the thought of that scared me more than any monster. I would go through Tartarus again, just for that to not be true."

"...Percy..." She whimpered.

"Is it true?" I asked finally.

"NO!" She yelled loudly. "I never want to see another day without you!"

Tears started falling from her eyes, and soon mine did the same.

"Then, why did you run away from me?" I asked.

"I...I was scared..." She said. "I was scared that all you would want to do, is sex stuff. And I don't even think I'm ready to go all the way." She said. "The girls from Aphrodite and around the camp, all were pressuring me to do it with you, saying if I didn't hurry someone else will."

She started crying harder. I capped Riptide and set it on the little nightstand I had. I grabbed her hand, and pulled her down to sit in bed next to me. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, and held her.

"Annabeth... I never thought I would have to say this... but you are pretty dumb," I said. She scoffed loudly, and chuckled. I cupped her chin and lifter her face, her eyes gray and wet, like a stormy and rainy day. "Listen here, dummy. The only person you should talk to about our relationship is me. Nobody besides you and I matter in our relationship. And to answer your worries, no. I did not expect us to have sex every day or do dirty things every chance. I want to be with you, it doesn't matter if its in bed, or going through Tartarus again. If we are by each others side, I know we will be ok. And I would never force you to do anything you didn't want to do, sexual or not. And if your not ready, then we wait until we both are. I'm not going anywhere." I said.

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