Reo Mikage ☆♡ Sick

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Tw: None I think


You have been friends with Reo since childhood, basically everything you two been doing together. Unseparable duo people would say, however this was untill Reo met Nagi and his football obsession grew even bigger, since then it would be always the 3 of you but you didnt minded.

Curently you were walking your usual route to school and to the place you would usually meet Reo at, however today when you finally made it no one waited for you instead you got call from BaYa, Reo's assistant

"Ba-Ya? Did something happened?" You asked concerned

"Reo is sick so he can't come to school today" BaYa began speaking however in the background you could hear Reo yelling that he's fine "-as you hear miss Y/N he cant accept that fact, can you speak to him and convince him to stay home today?" BaYa added

"Huh? So he's even bigger stubborn than normally since you cant convince him" You spoke and added right after "But okay give him to the phone I'll try"

"Thank you miss" BaYa said passing the phone to Reo

"Y/N??! Is that you? Thank god now can you tell BaYa Im fin-" Reo began but you interrupted him

"Why are you such a pain to BaYa today? I can clearly tell you're sick from the way you speak." You said cutting him off and asking right away "Why do you want to come to school so badly?"

"Because of you and Nagi, I cant leave you two alone" Reo protessted

"Reo, me and Nagi arent kids anymore, and even if you came to school then what? Teachers would send you home right away and what if you will infect me or Nagi huh?" You continue

"Hm... I guess you have a point" Reo spoke back it seemed like he seriousled finally

"Okay then now promisse you'll stay home today?" She spoke again waiting for his response

"Okay but" he sighed "take care both of you..." he spoke little bit sad

"Hey, maybe I'll come after school to give you notes from today and to check on you?" She proposed after hearing his sad tone

"Really? Werent you just scared of getting infected second ago?" He asked suprised

"I was but I weekend and you know that my sickness is gone by 2 days I'll be fine also we are friends so someone have to give you today's notes" you spoke starting to walk again changing your course to Nagi's house

Soon he gave BaYa back to the phone so you could tell her that you'll be visiting today, you two talked about it and soon you made your way to Nagi's house and Lucky for you he just walked out of it. Quickly you ended the call with BaYa and runned to the white haired boy who was playing game on his phone as usual.

"Morning Nagi!" You said friendly waving as you two began walking towards school

"...morning..." He muttered focused at his game

It took few steps for Nagi to realise Reo isnt there, putted his phone down looking at you with questioning look

"Where is Reo?" He asked confused

You giggled at his confusion, you lokked forward still going to school

"He's sick" you spoke and soon both of you saw school Building

"Thats a pain" Nagi muttered playing his phone again

You giggled again "He is" you spoke quietly hoping Nagi wont hear and you two made it into school finally

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