1.Student Council ☑

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Roechi Royal High School is a school everyone wants to get into . It is the richest private university in the country. Every year millions and millions of students apply hoping to get admitted. But only a few gets bestowed with the admission . Unless you are the top cream layer of the crop or the most meritorious student, there is no other way to get into the school. It has an infamous acceptance rate of only 1%.

This year you too had applied for the admission but not with hopes to open door to best career paths but with hopes to find the evidence against that second generation who harassed your elder sister to the point of driving her to committ suicide.

You tried to knock the door of police , court , judiciary and stuff . But why will they listen to two orphan girls with nothing rather than the second generation rich young master who can fill their house with bundles and bundles of cash ?

He was declared innocent and was freed while your innocent sister was framed with the allegation of seducing the second generation young master and committing suicide when failed to achieve her motive . The media, the netizens everyone cursed out her not believing a single word of your side .

This flared up the fire of revenge burning inside of you . You were determined to find the evidence to put the second generation behind the bar and prove to the world that your sister was innocent.

But for that you needed to get admitted to the school where the second generation young master is studying - The Roechi Royal High School.

And you did get admitted into thanks to your extra ordinarily good marks . You smirked looking at the acceptance letter on your desk , beside your laptop.

The first part of your mission — getting admitted to Roechi Royal High School — was completed.

For the second part of your mission, you had to plan things out. You had to figure out whom to beware of and whom to befriend with .

And on the top of your Beware List was — The Infamous STUDENT COUNCIL Of Roechi Royal High School.

Inei Kishida (the president of student council and son of current president of the country) ; Jun Nakamura(vice president and son of the top athlete of the country) ; Yono Tachibana (secretary and son of a world renowned actor) ; Naoto Igarashi (treasurer and son of richest businessman in the country) ; lastly Ito Amano (advisor and son of the current chief army commander of the country).

All of them were the members of student council, tainted with rumours of playing games that are deadly to scholarship student in Roechi Royal High School. Whether the rumours were true or not , you didn't knew. Nor you have the time to investigate about them .

But they were surely on the top of your BEWARE LIST. Not just because how mysterious and powerful they were but also for the fact that they had helped the second generation young master to hide the evidence against him .

And second position is tied between the dean , principal and chancellor who too had a role in safeguarding the second generation young master.

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