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"Wanna watch a movie?" Minho asked

"Sure, why not."

We picked a movie called "about time".
( my favorite movie btw, I strongly recommend it

It's about a guy who finds out that every male in his family can time travel and after he moves he goes to one restaurant with his friend and he meets the love of his life there. He had to time travel into the same night to save his friend from big embarrassment, but in doing so, he didn't meet her, so he lost her. he then tries to find her again and make her his. )

"God I love this movie so much. It got me believe in true love." I said

"Yeah, this movie is on top."

"You know, I still don't get how he met Mary again, like.... How is it possible that there was that exhibition of Kate Moss right when he needed to find her again?" I asked

"I think that they were destined to be with each other, so destiny was on their side. That's why."

"Probably, but I also don't understand why Tim chose Mary over charlotte when he met her again. Like, I love Mary, she is so sweet and I'm glad Tim chose her, but charlotte was absolutely beautiful and was good at everything." I said

"Because he loved her jisung. Charlotte was just a crush he had, he fell in love with marry. Imagine if I was Mary, taehyung was charlotte and you were Tim. If that happened, who would you pick?"

"You obviously." I said without hesitation.


"But you can't just add this as an example. Taehyung is not my old crush and we're not in love with each other."

He kept staring at me.

Did he...have feelings for me...?

I had no idea what to do.

"Minho? Are you okay?" I said to get him out of his trance

"Jisung, do you remember last night?"


"Do you remember last night?"

"What should I remember?"

"What happened when we came home."

"Y-you took me to my room and I fell asleep, what do you mean?"

I lied.

I remember every second of our make out. I remember how my hands were wrapped around his neck, how my legs were wrapped around his waist, how the kiss was so passionate, how our bodies were touching. How the butterflies were destroying me inside.

I remembered every single detail.

He was coming closer. In shock I started to move my upper body back to move away. He didn't stop, he was still coming closer.
In a while, he was on top of me. He placed his hands next to my head.

Breath in
Breath out

He was practically laying on me

Breath in
Breath out

His face got closer

Breath in
Breath out

His face moved to my ear

Breath in
Breath out

"You know......I know when you're lying."

Breath in
Breath out

"I-I'm not lying." 

"Want me to remind it to you?"

I nervously swallowed.

he then started kissing my neck.

I tilted my head back in pleasure, letting him continue.
He continued kissing and moving his lips.
When he found my sweet spot, I unintentionally let out a quiet moan.

I tensed up and I put my hand on my mouth. I felt like I was getting red in my cheeks.

Minho gently took my hand put it away.

he smirked at me and started kissing my lips again, I moved my legs and let him position himself between them, letting him come closer. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He then bit my lower lip and he slid his tongue into my mouth, deepening the kiss.
I let him take the lead and I placed my hands on his shoulders.

But we're not Tim and Mary, destiny isn't on our side.
Ari woke up and came downstairs.......again.
I pushed Minho off of me and tried to act like nothing just happened.

"Oppaaaa, I'm thirsty."

"Oh, okay...let's go get you some water."

I quickly stood up and went to get the water.

She then looked at me.

"Oppa, why are your cheeks so red? Are you still sick?"

I looked at Minho and our eyes met.

"I-I'm okay, let's get you to sleep." I said and quickly took her upstairs.

She fell asleep, but I couldn't move. I could if I wanted, but there is no way I'm going downstairs.
I decided the best thing to do was just stay here.

Few minutes later, I heard the door open. I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

I heard footsteps coming to our direction. I then heard a quiet chuckle and I felt someone putting blanket over me.

I then felt him caressing my cheek and then he left.

I started blushing like crazy, thinking about the moment we just had.

And my stomach did the thing.

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