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(Meanwhile, with our heroes, they arrive on a highway in the middle of a rainstorm. A taxi cab flies in front of them. Both Marty and Annie scream and Doc swerves just in time.)

Marty: Doc, what the hell was that?

Doc: Taxi cab.

Annie: (She's a little freaked.) I thought we were flying!

Timmy: (He smiles.) That we are!

Marty: Alright you guys. Where are we? When are we?

Doc: We're descending on Hill Valley, California

Timmy: (He checks the time circuits.) On Wednesday, October 21, 2015.

Annie: 2015? You mean we're in the future?

Doc: Yes, Annie we are.

Timmy: Big time.

Marty: Guys, what's going on?

Annie: Yeah, what's the deal?

Doc: I need you two to take the places of your future children.

Marty: Wait a minute here, Doc. Are you telling us that Annie and I...are married?

Timmy: In a word, yes.

Annie: How the hell can we be married? We only kissed once!

Timmy: I know it seems impossible but it's true. I've seen it firsthand.

Doc: As have I. Hang on. This is our exit. (He turns off the highway and lands on an old road. He opens the doors of the De Lorean.) You two need to get out.

Timmy: And you need to change.

Marty: Right now?

Annie: It's pouring rain!

Doc: (He checks his watch.) Wait three more seconds. (Three seconds pass and the rain lets up and the sun comes out. He gets out of the De Lorean.) Right on the tick, amazing. Too bad the postal service isn't as efficient as the weather service.... (Marty and Annie get out of the De Lorean, too. Timmy gets out as well. He starts to pull on his face.) Sorry for the disguise you guys but I had a change of blood, which added a few years to my live. (He pulls off the mask. He looks about the same.) What do you think?

Marty: You look great, Doc.

Annie: Yeah, really awesome.

Timmy: If you ask me, Uncle Emmet... (Marty and Annie both shoot him a 'don't even think about it' look.) Uh, you look amazing.

Marty: (He turns back around.) The future. I've got to check this out, Doc.

Doc: All in due time, Marty. We have a mission to accomplish.

Marty: Tell me about my future. I mean, I know I make it big but...

Annie: Oh, come on, Marty. Do you think Doc is really going to tell you that? Didn't you learn anything back in 1955?

Timmy: Annie's got a point. (Marty shoots him a look.) But, you'll learn about your futures soon enough.

Marty: Hey, Doc. Why did you decide to bring Timmy along?

Doc: You see Timmy has a horrible home life. His parents constantly ignore him, he gets chased around by a terrible baby sitter, he gets horrible grades....even when he's right, and his crush keeps rejecting him.

Timmy: (Marty and Annie both look at him, with tears in their eyes. He nods.) Uncle Emmet speaks the truth and since you guys are time travelers, I can tell you my secret. I have fairy godparents.

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