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The crisp wind hits Aprils face as she reaches the top of the Astronomy tower. At two in the morning she expect to find herself alone but is met with the back of a boy peering out to the stars against the railing.

"Aren't they beautiful" she says gesturing to the stars as the boy turns around. She had to admit the boy was very handsome.

"Indeed they are" the boy answers back with a deep, husky voice yet so gentle and quiet, "Do you know there names?"

Taking a step forward to reach the railing she answers, "No." He simply nodded his head to answer.

April walks now fully against the railing sits down letting her legs dangle of the edge. He looks at her brows slightly raised as he watched her sit so freely like she had no worry of anything at all.

"What are you doing down there?" his voice coming out in a whisper.
"Sitting." A gentle laugh escaping her lips at her very bad joke. This cause the boys lips to slightly turn up at the edges not at the joke but at the sound of her laugh.

"Why are you here?" he says. "This is my thinking spot, what are you thinking?"

"Not everyone has to think all the time," she looks up at him "Im here because I like the way the cold hurts my skin, if you stay out long enough it hurts so it's nice."

He stared at the girl a blank expression over his face. He slightly shifted closer to the girl before turning to look out at the stars again.
"You like the pain?"

"I like feeling pain for things I like, somethings are worth hurting for" she says closing her eyes.

This time Regulus was able to get a proper look at the girl, she was really beautiful with blond hair that stopped at her shoulders and a birthmark that covered her left cheek.

I deep small chuckle came from him, almost as if he understood her answer more than her.
"Somethings are indeed worth hurting for," he spoke quietly eyes shifting to the sky landing on a very specific star.

He looks at her her small smile that lies on her lips almost as if she doesn't know it's there.
"You don't seem like much of a pain seeker."

She feels his eyes examining her body, "I don't seek pain, I wait till I find people pain is worth feeling for," she turns to look at him but he quickly looks away to hide the faint dusting of pink on his cheeks.

"What do you like about the cold?"

He cleared his throat a little, "I'm out here because I can't sleep, the cold air soothes me.

"You're syltherin, yes?" She ask him now turning her focus to the handsome boy.
"Yes what about you?"

"Ravenclaw." She states turning back letting her face basque in the moonlight.

"Does that mean I should be afraid that you'll be to smart and find out all my secrets?" He said crossing his arms across his chest now fully turned to face the girl.

Her soft laughs filled the astronamy tower seeping out into the night sky.
"Sit with me." She says patting the seat on the floor beside her.

He took a few seconds to think about what she had just asked, then he finally shifted his body slightly and put his elbow on the railings, as if using that as an excuse to come closer to the girl.

the secret with the strangers and the stars. ~ regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now