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Honey's POV:

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Honey's POV:

"These seats are hurting my ass. Why are airplane seats so uncomfortable?" I complained while trying to shift into a comfortable position, but it was impossible as my seat kept squeaking, and the more I moved, the tighter I felt in this tiny space.

The elderly lady sitting beside me snapped her head towards me with a scowl. "Would you mind? For the millionth time, keep it down! You're not letting me sleep" she snapped at me, making me shoot her a glare.

"Look, old lady. If you want to sleep, just close your eyes and shut up, or you can go take a nap on the toilet" I snapped back, removing my seatbelt to try and move into a more comfortable position.

I don't care how old this little old lady is, but I've never been one to hold back my comments or stay quiet when someone snaps or yells at me. It could be a little cranky child or an old wrinkly person, but I'm snapping right back at them and defending myself. Respect is mutual not age wise and that's the motto I've lived by my entire life.

The old woman scoffed and turned away from me, gripping her purse on her lap. I rolled my eyes and put my seatbelt back on once I felt slightly more comfortable.

My older sister is getting married, which is why I'm currently on this very uncomfortable airplane dealing with this very annoying old lady beside me. I haven't seen my sister in months because I've been so busy with work. I had a very rough week at the hospital and I'm glad they gave me this time off to go to my sister's wedding and just relax for a while. I can't wait to jump off this plane and give my sister the biggest hug. I still can't believe she's getting married.

When we were kids, she hated boys, she thought they were annoying and just straight up stupid and evil. She always said she would never marry a man because they're all just full of lies. And I always told her to never say never. I still remember when she called me a few months ago to give me the news. She video called me with her future husband Dexter Robertson, and they both gave me the news, they looked so happy. That's also when Naomi asked me to be her maid of honor, and of course I said yes.

"Ladies and gentleman, we have arrived at Pisa, Italy. The local time is nine o'clock in the morning and it is currently eighty-six degrees. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until we are fully parked at the gate. Thank you for traveling with us and we hope you had a pleasant flight" the flight attendant announced.

I smiled and reached over to pull open the small window shade, looking out towards the island of Sicily as we slowly got closer and closer. I haven't been on vacation for over three years now, which is why I'm really excited. Apart from my sister's wedding, I'm very excited to explore all the sights I can and spend all my free time at the beach. Come to think of it, I can't even remember the last time I did something for myself. This trip is going to be so amazing and nothing can ruin it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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