twenty two

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"You think standing on the edge of a bridge is the best way to escape the people at this school?" A voice asks, smooth, seducing; accompanied by the sound of high heels and a cane. She stops to stand next to me as I stare out into the setting sun. Every day I sit down at that table, hoping to voice mine and Zylia's ideas for this school and every day I'm driven away by someone's overly intrusive questions.

"No but I was hoping to catch a break." I sigh, the half truth slipping out in the familiarity of her presence. "But then again you're here now so that's not happening." I add, a little more harshly to cover up my previous mistake. I meet her scrutinising eyes that stare up at me, the harsh blue reading me like an open book.

"Talk to me Y/N, the truth." She speaks.

"Talk to you? About the truth?" I laugh, walking along the stone wall, "Now that's ironic Lesso." I continue, pacing a small distance repetitively and hoping not to be overthrown by a fit of dizziness. Or to be pushed off by her as I would definitely fall to my imminent doom.

"Ironic how?"

"The last time I told you anything near to the truth I recall you storming out of the room." I mock, the real, raw emotions I felt that day rising up my throat. The day I decided to tell the truth is decidedly one of the worst days in my entire life. "And even though you never struck me as kind, it was far from expected." Her mouth opens and closes as if trying to form an argument and not finding one to argue. She thinks for a moment before she tries again.

"I don't think you ever really understood it from my perspective." She sighs, sitting on the wall I keep gratefully pacing. I sit next to her cautiously out of politeness and purely because we haven't interacted in such way since I arrived: our encounters filled with a tense hatred and betrayal. That and I'm undoubtedly curious concerning what she has to say.

"Then maybe you should be the one telling the truth." I whisper, scared of the answer, but dreading no answer at all a whole lot more. 

"Well." She coughs and takes a deep breath. I look at her, the mane of red hair, the blue eyes, everything I left behind. "To say you broke my heart on that day may be an overstatement. But it was agonising. Watching you fall apart, watching you tell me we were more than likely never going to see each-other again. And when you told me you- yeah, it was hard alright?"

"It was even harder facing your rejection." I add, looking at her. Her ocean eyes are already staring at me. "I looked out of the carriage hoping to see you at least one more time." 

"I never deserved you."

"No you didn't." I breathe in the cold nights air, "You deserved so much more." 

"You were way too good for me." She laughs. I chuckle and look into her ocean eyes, they drown me still, waves crashing over my limp body again and again: completely dragging me under. The tide draws closer to shore, carrying my lifeless form back to safety. The same waves crash violently in my stomach as her eyes scan my body. Her breathing slows down, as does time. I feel the warmth of her body getting closer, edging into the coldness I have completely engulfed myself with in recent years. 

Her eyes stoop down to my lips and back up to my eyes, questioning. I lean closer to her, unaware of my actions. The scent of her shampoo hits my senses, awkward and unfamiliar: vanilla a scent that does not compliment nor fully portray her personality. I cock my head to the side, her lips inches from mine, the same vanilla fragrance engulfing my judgement. Its not right, here with her, in this moment. 

A rock falls behind us, landing below the stone bridge with a crack. I turn my head and she jerks away. I put a gap between us, the warmth flowing out like the oceans waves. The tide is drawn back in. 

She meets my eyes again and coughs. "Lets head back inside, I do believe you have a school to reform?" I brush off my dress as she hops down from the wall. She offers her hand and I take it gratefully, noting the abundance of silver rings. I smile to myself, maybe not everything has changed after all.  

"Yes, indeed." 

The meeting went arguably smoother for the remaining half hour, although many of the staff sent me questioning look after I returned with Lesso and not before her. I payed them no mind as me and Zylia continued through our multiple ideas. The others were dismissed and as me and my infuriatingly observant sister walked up the staircase to our new home she shoots the thing that has been bothering her. "So. You and Leonora?"

"Please don't call her that." I reply, wincing when I remember that I'm still not on a first name basis with her, "And what about us?" I hold the door open, closing it and being greeted by the smell of burning wood and books. The fire spits and crackles, warm and comforting. 

"You two back together?" She inquires, cautiously tiptoeing as if I'm an extremely explosive bomb that's been dropped into her lap. Fortunately this bomb was detonated a long time ago and is nothing but an empty shell. I laugh at her innocence and naivety. 

"No, no." I sigh, removing my heels and warming myself by the fire. The orange flames reach for my fingertips and I'm reminded of her. Her auburn locks and when I used to thread my fingers through them when we kissed. "But I think we resolved some stuff." 

"That's good yes?"

"Yeah, I guess it is." I smile as I sit with my sister, cup of steaming tea in my hands. This might just be okay. We might just be okay. 


A/N : here you go sheownsmyheart you don't have to wait until 4am.

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