Chapter 3

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To say that KITT and Michael were surprised would be an understatement, they had just received a call from Devon miles and Bonnie Barstow and the news they had was nothing short of concerning, it was in part to the fact that KARR's wreckage was not completely recovered his frame and body were, but not his main CPU, but that leaves the question who would steal a damaged CPU of a killer robotic car .

Michael thought about that while he sat in a waiting room to meet special agent William Fowler, he had KITT run a background check on the special agent, he was once in the army rangers and now was a special agent working in government affairs, why he was posted to jasper was a mystery to Michael and KITT, he was brought out of his thoughts by Fowler's Secretary telling Michael he could see Fowler now.

As Michael knocked and walked into Fowler's office he was surprised to see the man working with his head down in So tell me what can I do for you today mr knight ?" Fowler inquired ,
" I'm here to investigate illegal mining operations in jasper and was wondering if you had any leads on where to start" Michael inquired
" well there's a network of caves east of jasper that has barely any traffic that way out I suggest that you try there Fowler replied.

The directions Fowler had given were spot on, Michael and KITT had no trouble with finding the cave network, they had just arrived when they were ambushed by the same group of cars from before, this time a red sports car was leading them, Michael reversed KITT hoping to get some distance from their attackers, he then noticed that same energy reading that was similar to KITT, he then watched as one of the black sports cars transformed into a vaguely human shape,
"What the hell" both Michael and KITT said out loud at the same time, Michael thought fast he threw KITT into forward drive and pressed turbo boost, KITT leaped into the humanoid robot walking straight towards them, the effect was nothing short of spectacular as KITT flew straight through the vehicon and sent pieces flying scattered through the air.

"Michael I am detecting more vehicles approaching from the East" KITT warned, as Michael spun the black trans am away from their attackers, as they reached the open road Michael noticed a yellow sports car, that same blue motorcycle and a red and blue truck were flanking them, as Michael looked forward he closed his eyes as a blue/green light flashed, Michael slammed on KITT's breaks as they passed through the light followed by the three vehicles flanking them.

They slammed to a stop as Michael looked around noticing they were in a cave of some sort,
"KITT what the hell just happened ?" ,
" I do not know Michael but is seems that we have been transported from the open Nevada road to here" KITT replied to Michael's question, as Michael looked around he noticed that they were not alone as their were 3 teenagers and the vehicles from before across from them,
" Michael why don't you ask them for an explanation" KITT said
As Michael climbed out of KITT he noticed the blue and red truck roll up to him,
" Do not fear Michael knight you are among allies here"
" What" was all Michael could reply as the truck transformed into a human shape like the one he and KITT had smashed through,
"You are safe here Michael, my name is optimus prime and we have a lot to discuss"

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