IT'S 8TH GRADE.......
I stared the boy next to me.......He was my so called "bestfriend".......I stared his face,his looks.....And I wished he would be mine.......
But he didn't noticed me like that...I knew it...after class he walked up to me and asked for the notes he was absent yesterday he borrowed some notes from me.....I handed to him.....and he said "Thanks.."....and gave me a hug.....I wanted to tell him that I love him....but I don't want when he rejected me and we won't be bestfriend because I told him I was fallin in love in him......
My phone rang.....on the other end it was him...he was in tears.....
Mumbling on and on about how he broke up with his girlfriend..
He asked me to come over because he don't want to be alone......
So I did.....I sat next to him on the beside the bed.....I stared him...wishing him to be mine...he decided to sleep in my he did....he said "Thanks"......and gave me a kiss in the cheek.....and he was asleep.....I wanted to tell him ,I wanted more than bestfriend and tell him I love him.....