One ㅤ/. ㅤ The Imposter, The Pirate Hunter, The Prisoner And The Princess

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chapter one,

ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Hali had spent a solid hour, trying to figure out any way to get out of her newfound prison. She hated it, the walls felt as if they were closing in and the windows only taunted her, teasing her captivity. The familiar sensation was not her favourite experience, and she was hell-bent on getting out.

She approached the window, looking out and looking for her exits. She saw a few marines standing around a green-haired boy, tied to the cross decorating the yard. She counted down windows to Captain Morgan's office, though it was difficult.

"Hello," Hali turned from the window, startled. He entered, walking around like the goddamn swine he was, "Captain," Hali switched her persona, weakness was fatal, and she could never appear weak. "When do I get to leave this drab place?" She traced her face and pouted, wiping dust off a cupboard.

"Nice try Sachiko, your father will be here soon, he's coming himself you know," She couldn't stand his smugness, he'd outwit her, and he knew it, well for now. Hali wasn't one to give up, ever, and she certainly wasn't going to right now. She didn't break, not the eye contact nor her act, it wasn't over until it was over

"And you're doing this because?" She questioned his motives, twirling her hair, he was getting annoyed. "Because I'm a marine, and it is our job to protect innocent citizens." Hali didn't appreciate the emphasis on 'innocent'.

"Really? This has nothing to do with you trying to win favour with my father." She dropped the smile, and his expression dropped as well. She wasn't letting it go, his entire demeanour changed.

"Which I should warn you will be difficult without my help." She paced around the room. "I doubt that," He smirked, "Your return will win me much." He kept pushing and laughed, Hali could have sworn she almost decked him right there, almost. "Now why don't you─" Hali made a run for the door, only to be pulled back by Morgan, "You're an idiot."

It was worth a try, though she knew it wouldn't work. He threw her to the ground, "And I'm done, your father's coming soon so you better be prepared." He left through the door. She waited for enough time to pass, as she felt his footsteps getting further.

She slid the bobby pin out her hair, and prayed desperately. Though she'd gotten better with lockpicking, her skills weren't the best. She spent the next five minutes picking the lock, and finally, when she felt the click, she slid the door open.

No one was in sight, this was her cue. It was unlikely she'd get this chance again. She snuck out immediately, hiding herself between every nook and cranny. She hid anytime marines were near, but Hali's destination was not just to escape, it was to pick up something very important, something taken from her.

She looked out the window, she saw Morgan standing by the green-haired boy tied to a cross. At least she knew he was distracted. She fastened her pace and hurried to Captain Morgan's office. She used her bobby pin again, this time she was faster.

She entered his office, firstly collecting her bag, which he'd left abandoned in a corner. She looked for ways to trigger open his safe, but she drew up clueless.

No matter how many times she tried to recall her first time in this office when he plucked those papers out of her hands and placed them in the safe, she couldn't remember anything.

How could she be this stupid, but she kept her composure, she was nothing if not level-headed. Hali felt the door swing open, she drew her blade pointing it at the marine soldier and boy standing by her.

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