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POV: Cassandra

While Emilio barks orders, Cassandra settles in his car with Alex. Her son is still fussy and restless, but his cries have stopped.
Feeling Emilio's eyes on her, Cassandra meets his empty gaze. He reveals nothing, and it scares her. What is he thinking? What is he planning? Will I lose my son?
When the car comes to a halt, Emilio gets out and is by their side in a flash. He helps Cassandra out and then steers her inside a building.
This must be a private hospital, she thinks when they are inside. There's no way I'll be able to afford the bill here.
Cassandra looks at Emilio, ready to protest, when a beautiful young receptionist greets them with a smile.
"Mr. Rodriquez. How can we help?"
Cassandra notices how the woman pushes out her breast and flutters her lashes at Emilio. Does she not have any shame? She’s at work!
"Is Dr. Perez here?" Emilio asks.
"Yes. Follow me."
The woman moves out from behind her desk, and they follow her straight down the hall, eventually coming to a stop at a door on their right. She knocks softly, and then a female voice says, “Candice, I thought I made it clear I…" Her voice falters when she sees Emilio. "I'll take care of this."
After the receptionist leaves, Dr. Perez and Emilio exchange hugs. He also kisses her cheek. She looks to be in her forties and is extremely beautiful with her medium skin tone, honey gold hair, and hazel brown eyes.
"You look handsome as always,” Dr. Perez says to Emilio. “How is your mother doing now?"
"Better. Thanks for asking."
"What brings you here?"
Emilio steps aside so that Dr. Perez can see Cassandra and Alex. The woman looks back and forth between them, shocked.
"Your mother didn't mention anything about you having a baby when we last spoke. I know how she longs to have grandchildren."
"Even I was shocked." He looks at Cassandra.
"What's wrong?" The doctor asks her, taking Alex. "He's burning up—did you give him a cool bath?" Cassandra nods.
Dr. Perez lays Alex down on the small baby bed in her office and checks his breathing. Overcome with fear, Cassandra can only have faith that nothing serious is wrong with her son.
The doctor turns her gaze to Cassandra again. "Any allergies?" Cassandra shakes her head. "Talk me through his fever—how long has he had it, and what medicine did you give him?"
Cassandra answers as best as she can. Last night he was fine; it was only this morning that he was fretful. She had thought it was nothing, but clearly she was wrong.
"He did have a cold a few days ago," Cassandra adds.
Dr. Perez looks into Alex's ear, and immediately he begins to cry again. Cassandra is by his side in a second. When the doctor’s examination is done, she looks at both of them.
"He has a slight ear infection, probably caused by his cold. It's nothing serious, but it explains his fussiness and the fever. I'll prescribe some antibiotics for him."
Cassandra lifts Alex up and holds him tight against her chest. She had been so busy with work that she hadn't even noticed that something was wrong. Guilt sweeps over her, and her eyes fill up with tears.
Dr. Perez places a hand on her shoulder. "Don't blame yourself; it wasn't your fault. These things happen. If you hadn’t caught it now, his symptoms would just be worse later. Let me get his prescription."
The doctor goes to her desk and grabs a pad of paper. "I'm also giving him something for the pain. Age?"
Cassandra tells her and then says, "Thank you, doctor."
Dr. Perez smiles. "I'm only doing my job.” She gives the prescription to Emilio, saying, “Here you go."
"I appreciate this, Beth,” he replies. “Send my regards to Uncle. I'd be grateful if we kept this between us for now."
"My lips are sealed. Take care.” Dr. Perez pauses. “He does resemble you. He even has the birthmark."
Cassandra looks between them, confused, but then Emilio steers her out of the hospital. In no time, they are back in his car, and Emilio is giving his driver the prescription, saying, "Get that as soon as possible, and take us back to the penthouse."
Cassandra’s head jerks up. "I'd like to get home, please. It's time for Alex's bottle." The look Emilio shoots her makes a shiver run through her entire body, but she will not back down. "I'm not going anywhere with you. I want to get out."
Cassandra can see a million things was running through Emilio’s head, so she doesn’t say anything more. She still needs Alex's medicines, so she’ll go with him until then.
For the remainder of the drive, Alex is calm. He even falls asleep in her arms. Poor baby, he must be tired from all the crying.
After they pull into the garage at one of the most expensive hotels in Times Square, Emilio leads her to an elevator that requires a pin before entering. He punches it in, and a second later, they go up. Alex, fortunately, is still fast asleep.
What was she thinking? She shouldn't be here come tomorrow; she needs to go back to work.
If I still have a job, a small voice says in her head.
When they step into Emilio’s penthouse, Cassandra is caught off guard by the size of the place, accentuated by the open floor plan and high-end, floor-to-ceiling glass windows. In the entryway is a bar and wine wall, which showcases many expensive brands, and the kitchen and dining areas have a beautiful view of Central Park. Everything, even the décor, is white and light gray.
Emilio puts Alex's bag on the living room couch. "Follow me," he says, leading Cassandra upstairs to a bedroom. Once there, he moves aside so that she can enter first.
A huge bed dominates the center of the room, flanked by nightstands holding big lamps. Near the window are two leather chairs on either side of a glass table. A big portrait is hanging on the wall, and a door on the left probably leads to a bathroom. Just like downstairs, the walls are gray, and the flooring is hardwood.
This isn't the same suite he had taken her to last time. She glances at him.
"What am I doing here?" Cassandra asks.
Emilio’s eyebrows draw together. "We need to discuss a few things. Lay him down."
"I can't just leave him alone in here; he can fall off the bed. When he wakes up, he'll need his bottle. We need to go home."
"You’re not going anywhere until I get the results of a DNA test, and that will take at least a few days. If it's proven he's mine, I'm gonna have to release a statement before anyone else hears about this."
"Well, we cannot stay here. And what makes you think I'm going to allow you to get a DNA test done? He's not your baby," Cassandra lies.
"Careful," Emilio warns. "If he is mine, I won't hesitate to take him away from you. You'll stay here until I say otherwise. José will get whatever you might need for him."
"You cannot force me to stay here!"
"Watch me."
"I have a job I need to get to come tomorrow." Cassandra pleads, "Emilio, please don't do this. I can't afford to lose my job."
Emilio lifts an eyebrow. "Did you forget who your boss is? If you want to keep your job, then I suggest you do as I say."
"What will I tell Mr. Smith about my absence?"
"I'll take care of that. Give me your apartment keys and address."
"What for?"
Emilio gestures to Alex. "He'll need his stuff—I'll get José to fetch it for him. Write down everything he needs to bring; there is a paper and pen right behind you on the bedside table."
"Emilio...," Cassandra begins, but he turns around, leaving her to stare after him.
Cassandra lays Alex down on the bed and holds her head in her hands. What is she going to do?
She walks over to the balcony and gazes out at Central Park. How did she get here? What on earth had she been thinking when she slept with him fifteen months ago?
Cassandra focuses her attention back on Alex's tiny sleeping body. She walks back to the bed, sits down next to him, and caresses his hair. She has no idea what she is going to do next.

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