chapter 7

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~ nicky mogu ~

When I saw jiafei meeting seraphine from a distance, I left. i knew my queen would be well treated, so i went to find that beautiful mushroom girl from yesterday, lalisa.

I wandered the Amazon Prime rain forest for quite some time before I found her soaking up the sunlight on a soft patch of moss. Her skin looked like it was glowing as she stretched her unattached roots upward to catch more sun.

"hi, lalisa. its me, nicky mogu." I called softly, so as not to startle her.

"nickymogu!hellomyfriend!didyouknow?jiafeiandseraphinearehavingapicnicbythepondrightnow!" she said in a hurry as she sat up.

"btw, how do you know jiafei?" i asked her. i've been wondering about that since we met.

"wellyouseeshestheonewhointroducemetoseraphine," she explained.

"what do you mean my beautiful floppy slay queen jiafei's the one who introduced you to seraphine?" i questioned her.

"irememberthatdaysoclearly,therewassomemadwomansinging'mynamesjiafeiimthedaughterofjiamengandwangfeifeiyoudumblittlenickymoguhaveoffendmesomuchimgonnaeatallyourfriendsandfamily'thenshestartedeatingrawmushrooms" lalisa explained, her brown orb eyes pulsing to the beat of my heart.


"what did Ahri say to that," I prompted her. i never wanted lalisa to stop talking, her angelic super fast rap voice was touching somewhere deep in my heart and somewhere deep in my pants. the movement of her lips was enchanting.


"ooh, burn!" i yelled.

"ursocringe." lalisa said pointedly.

"thank you for your honesty, angel" i said reflexively. i didn't notice that i called her an angel until I realized she was blushing. "Wait, sorry, was that too much? I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"noitsokay,ilikeamanwithrizz," she looked down shyly.

i randomly grabbed a flower from beside me and handed it to her, "here you go, angel, something else thats not as pretty as you."

she blushed so hard i almost thought she changed her mushroom species.


"bye angel!" i called after her as she left agilely through the branches and was gone in the blink of an eye.

~ Ahri ~

it moved! i could feel it fidgeting softly inside me, twisting and turning as i lay there. I could barely move, I wasn't used to something this big being inside me.

"Calm down, hon," i cradled my swollen belly, soothing my daughter. My back ached from laying against the pillows all day as nurses and doctors swarmed around me like ants around their queen.

My tails subconsciously draped themselves over my precious child, not willing to have her leave the safety of my womb.

I sighed, I have to do this. if she's ever born, she'll have both our powers and floppiness combined, and that can never happen. she's too great a threat for me to just ignore her.

a doctor of indeterminate gender entered my hospital room, wearing pale purple scrubs and a gas mask. what I could see of the sharp eyes was behind a thick reflective lens, making me none less nervous.

a brass pin gleamed on the doctor's scrubs, but my eyes couldnt focus enough to read it.

"good evening, ur Tyranny Empress Ahri. I am your surgeon today, and I'd like you to know that I have never misperformed in the fifty years I've been working as a surgeon, so theres no need to worry."

i could feel the cold sweat trickling down my temples as a nurse followed the doctor through the door with a trolley of surgical tools that shined cold and pitiless on their sterile trays. It was as bright as the brass on Seraphine's triple horn. I missed its sound, the soothing tone would always lull me to sleep so quickly.

"ur Tyranny, I'm afraid you can't be awake for this," the doctor said, nearing the foot of my bed with a syringe. The needle was as cold as ice, pressed up at 25 degrees on my ankle. there was a small sharp spike of pain . . .

I didn't wake from the nightmare as people in stories do, with a gasp and a crazed look in their eyes, convinced they're still asleep with fear just around the corner. I woke by opening my eyes and staring grievously at the fabric ceiling of my captain's tent on the beach.

I was used to having this nightmare, if that's what I could call it. The memory was so clear, it was almost like I'd lost her yesterday instead of 400 years ago. At least I knew she was still alive, my little lalisa.

I smiled as I remembered that the doctors had told me that lalisa came out rapping, and continuously rapped at 23x normal speed up until they turned her into a mushroom spore. they hadn't been able to lose her high velocity vocal speed, so that made it very easy for me to find her again.

oh, lalisa! if only you knew who really loved you in this world, you'd stay away from me for good.

A tear rolled out of the corner of my eye and flowed into my hair. my tails wrapped me up in a comforting burrito, and I quietly sobbed myself back to sleep.

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