Better Days - Part Two

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We are back, my people!

In this chapter, we will continue to navigate through Ceylin's pregnancy as she and Ilgaz deal with the many changes this new addition brings. 

Thank you all for your kindness and support. Happy reading!


The Kayas - Better Days (Part Two)

Ceylin stretched her arms with her eyes closed, partially relieving the tension in the aching muscles in her back. She had spent most of the afternoon unboxing things in the study she and Ilgaz had decided to set up in the smallest room in the new house.

The lawyer distractedly hummed an old song as she stocked a bookshelf. She and Ilgaz had gotten rid of everything obsolete, but some textbooks from their days in the university were timeless and could still be helpful for work research, so they deserved to be kept somewhere of easy access.

The lawyer reached out to place a heavy volume about criminal law on the top shelf when the book cover partially opened. An object similar to a sheet of paper slid between the pages, catching her attention.

Frowning, Ceylin put the book aside and crouched down to pick up what looked to be a photograph.

The lawyer studied the image carefully, amazed by the captivating smile of a young woman who looked no older than twenty-one or twenty-two. A long mass of dark hair framed her heart-shaped face, highlighting expressive brown eyes framed by thin, elegantly arched brows. Her appearance made Ceylin imagine that the unknown woman probably had a sweet temperament matched with strong determination.

With her curiosity piqued, the lawyer turned the object over in her hands and read the faded handwritten words.

Dear Ilgaz,

I will be at home this summer, but my heart will remain in Istanbul with you.

With all my love,


Ceylin snorted at the statement that had obviously been directed at her husband at some point earlier in his life. She reluctantly put the photograph back inside the book and strategically returned the volume to the farthest corner of the top shelf.

The lawyer racked her brain for any previous mention of that name, but couldn't think of anything. She knew Ilgaz had had some significant relationships in the past, but the only one of his exes she actually knew anything about was Neva.

Ceylin shrugged and went back to unboxing the few remaining books. Maybe the woman in the photograph hadn't been more than a mere fling. She seemed quite young when the picture was taken. Ilgaz had kept it inside a textbook, making Ceylin believe that, if her husband had indeed dated this girl, it had probably been over a decade before.

She focused on her task for the next few minutes, feeling sweaty and disheveled by the time she was done. Ceylin got in the shower, and when she came out with a towel wrapped around her hair, the lawyer shrieked when she unexpectedly bumped into Ilgaz on her way to the bedroom.

"Hey," the prosecutor smiled at her. "I tried calling to see if you wanted me to bring dinner, but you didn't answer the phone."

The genuine surprise on Ceylin's face let Ilgaz know that she hadn't missed his call on purpose.

"I was in the shower," the lawyer glanced over her shoulder as she explained what had happened. "I am sorry, I didn't have my phone near me," she added with a sigh of regret. It would have been incredible not to worry about cooking or cleaning after her busy day.

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