Alientos De Un Alma Cansada

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Sweat beaded around her brow, dread filling her stomach with a burning tightness. Heart beat throbbing in her ears, chest constricting and air stolen from her lungs


Palms sweaty, leg bouncing in an attempt to relieve the pressure in her aching chest. Nausea rising, the foul feeling of bile filling her senses. Coughing as the acid from her stomach burns the inside of her esophagus. The bitter taste of bile strong in her mouth, her head dizzy from dehydration.


Dread building, breaths coming short and rapid with time ticking by slower than before. Heart hammering in her chest, fear stabbing and cutting into her stomach. Sweat drips from her brow as she heaves a second time.


Tears drip from puffy red eyes, scalp red and bleeding from bitten raw nails pulling at the delicate skin. Physical pain is dulled, blood drips from a scratched and picked chest. Mouth dry and cottony from quick breathes, head aching deep from lack of oxygen.


Little blue pills fill her hand, swallowing them with several gulps of water. Tension still gripping her chest she burrow deep under her covers. The weight of the blanket relieving some of the pressure in her chest.


Oxygen finally filling her lungs, her head feeling like static from a TV. Everything's heavy and exhausted. Limbs are dead weight, body collapsed on the bed. Eyes shut and crusted over with dried tears.


Sleep slowly finds it way to her, tension finally releasing its tight hold on her muscles. Tired blank eyes stare at the white textured ceiling of her room. Sleep finally drags her under, washing over her and dragging her under into a blissful, dreamless slumber.


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