Chapter 0

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The glitched man watched as he methodically edited the AU's code. He smiled as his white hands danced on the holo-keyboard, typing commands, editing factors of the original story... He was very curious as to what would happen. What would change? What would stay the same? Would anything be different? Of course... editing a character's code would greatly affect the world... the storyline... a whole new character... a whole new personality to have... it would all be changed... perhaps even for the better. Maybe the smallest would stay emotionless... maybe the middle child would take his own viewpoints and understand what he was doing to the youngest... they always said karma came eventually... and to no acceptions to others, like older brothers who were not kind to their own misunderstood little brothers...

And 404...?

He would be that karma...

For one older brother in particular...

One who he believed deserved the fate his little brother had in the original story...

Oh yes...

Error Queen was getting his karma.

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