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(not edited)

Author's POV:

Jimin straight went to the warden desk basically ran down there,tears streaming down his eyes and he was painting heavily from running,he slammed his hands on the desk grabbing warden attention startling him as well.

"Can I get another room? I want to change my room please?" Jimin said hurrly cleaning his tears with his shirt sleeves,hope filled in his eyes.

He doesn't wanted to be even near to Jungkook,he doesn't want to hurt himself again like every time,so the moment he saw Jungkook he decided to stay away from him before Jungkook leave him this time.

He can't take another troll of tearful days again crying alone,his heart isn't strong enough to take another unspoken meeting.

"Uh l don't think so,their was so many admissions this time that we don't have enough rooms and we didn't get permission to change rooms,the rooms are already assigned and we can't change it, sorry kid" warden said looking sadly at Jimin the way he was crying.

Jimin was looking at him with hope in his eyes but it fell apart in a second,he closed his eyes in defeat,all those few memories coming back to him how he was left all alone again.

Tears were falling down from his eyes,he did a little bow towards the warden and started dragging himself to wherever his feet will take him.

He won't go to his room atleast not yet,not until he thinks he can handle Jungkook presence in that room,who knows if Jungkook gonna leave this time as well like always huh.

Skip time~

It's 11pm at night and jimin is no where to be seen, Jungkook also didn't went to his own room thinking might return and see him again and run away again.

Well can be expected for whatever disaster it is,they both have to deal with each other at some point.

Jimin was sitting outside of their dorm in a cafe near their dorm, rethinking where did the whole day fly by.

When he got out of the dorm and sat outside near the building and spend few hours there in his own curled up thoughts of Jungkook and him.

He didn't reliazed it was getting dark when two were talking with each other while passing by,he stood up and went out to the cafe he saw first.

And right now he is contemplating with the thought of going back in the dorm or not because Jungkook must be their of course and he can't deal with him right now.

He was looking down when someone called for him.

"Jimin-ah what are you doing here?" He looked up getting startled by that person when he recognized that it's Namjoon his senior that he met this morning and their was someone with him this time.

"Uh I was out for fresh air" jimin smiling weakly at Namjoon.

"Oh that's good, jimin meet kim seokjin my roommate" Namjoon said putting his hand around the tall guy near him.

"Hey Jimin,nice to meet you" Jin said flashing his pretty face with a smile.

"H-hey Seokjin shi" jimin became nervous all of sudden because he was meeting new people and most importantly his seniors alot on his first day so yeah kind of hard to digest it on first day.

"Don't be informal you can call me hyung" Jin said like it was nothing like they have been frnds for days haha.

"Okay hyung" Jimin tried to be polite with them smiling a little.

"We are going back to the dorm you wanna come?" Namjoon said turning in that direction when jimin reliazed why he was sitting here for,he looked down again strongly curling his hand into a fist.

He didn't wanted to go but he had no choice,well he never had any choice since he met Jungkook, Jungkook never left him with choice whenever he left jimin alone.

"Yeah let's go" Jimin said taking a deep breath and walking side to side with his hyungs.

"Jimnie you can come to our room for help if you want to and for tommorow's dinner too,you are invited in out room" Jin said smiling Jimin who blushed a little bit at this,it was cute.

"Aww you look cute jiminie when you blush" Jin said teasing Jimin while he was rubbing his neck in embarrassment.

"am I not cute?" Namjoon said pointing at himself like he was offended by jin complimenting jimin haha.

"Namjoon don't be stupid you are cute too okay you just wanted to hear that from me didn't you?" Jin said rolling his eyes at Namjoon.

Namjoon giggled at jin and winking at Jimin who smiled at their silliness haha.
It made Jimin's mood a little better while walking towards the dorm.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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