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"I love you."

"Quite right, too. And I suppose if it's my last chance to say it; Rose Tyler.."

Muffled cries spilled out of the girl’s mouth, wiping her tears on the blanket wrapped close around her.

"Are you really crying right now?" Her sister gaped.

“Isn’t it better to have loved then lost, than to have never loved at all?”

Was she serious? They'll never see each other again. Her heart ached, just as the woman on the screen's seemed to. This episode had been the most emotional of the entire show, watching The Doctor disappear before confessing his love to Rose.

How can anyone not turn into an emotional wreck at that? Of course, her sister had witnessed only the ending, but the girl still was not able to understand how that didn't tug on her heart strings even just a little. Throughout the series you get to see their relationship develop only to be crushed once you see her father take her into the alternate universe. Please explain how you aren't supposed to be devastated.

I guess you'd have to watch the series to really get the full effect, because not everyone knows that The Doctor made the promise numerous times to always take Rose home. And not everyone would understand that Rose didn't even need to go home if it meant being with him. Maybe no one cared to know every intricate detail of “just a TV show”, but it made the experience that much better.

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