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The Earthrealmers had just finished having a big dinner where they'd met the champions of Out World. Most of the Out world champions were ready to call it a night started to depart from the event, and so had the other party. The day was starting to weigh on them, and a big day like this was sure to exhaust the most of them.

The martial arts star's ego was a bit bruised after being rejected by the princess at dinner-, but nothing a hot shower couldn't fix. Johnny was not about to skip a nights shower-, after all, the superstar was a big stickler about his hygiene. So while Cage went to take his hour-long shower, Kenshi went ahead and got changed for the night while making sure his things were all together for him in the morning. Kenshi found it easier to keep busy so he wouldn't feel so overwhelmed with what was happening around him. Keeping his peace and staying grounded was the best thing for him to do.

Just after an hour or so, Johnny finished his very intense skincare routine and got changed into more comfortable clothing before making his way to his room, the same room he'd fortunately would be sharing with Kenshi for the night. Lui Kang suggesting this after he thought this was, "a good way for them to bond.". Whatever that was supposed to mean-, but Cage wasn't about to protest against the Time God and nether was Kenshi.

"Whew- turns out traveling to another realm can take a lot out of a guy." Johnny joked walking into the shared room with a towel over his damp hair. "You could say that again." Kenshi quipped in response to the actor's light joke. The swordsman was getting himself tucked away into the futon, getting his covers situated on his little space on the floor while Johnny finished drying his hair "Mm man, dinner has me stuffed- I really should have cut back on those carbs." he whined to himself as he rubbed the towel over his hair, Kenshi only laid down and gave a disinterested "Mhm." already ready and settled in for bed. Johnny looked to the other with a slight pout on his face, "Wow someone has a way with words- Mister Poet over here." he mocked, putting his towel down with his small pile of dirty clothes on the floor. He figured it would be best for him to head to bed too but he didn't just wanna be bored or feel awkward trying to sleep in the stiff room. "Seriously, how can you even sleep with all this crazy shit happening- I mean we are protectors of Earthreal...How many people do you know that have that kind of title huh?" the action star wondered how the other seemed to be so unphased by it all. Kenshi shifted slightly to where he could look at Cage from over his shoulder with an annoyed look on his face. "How can you talk so much— huh?" Kenshi questioned in turn, then just rolled his eye's, giving the talkative man the cold shoulder, or was at least trying to.
"Touchy.." Johnny muttered under his breath as he got himself into his futon, it was placed just some distance away from Kenshi's spot on the ground. But now being situated and the shuffling of his blankets no longer filling the quiet, his mind wandered off, he started thinking about his mattress back home and just how much more comfortable it was compared to what he was sleeping on now, and then started to think about how they were supposed to work together when there was all this tension. Johnny sifted over with a slight grunt of discomfort to lay on his back, just looking up at the ceiling ...just sitting in awkward silence...

Then he decided it was a good idea to open his mouth again. "You know you could be nicer to me...considering we will be working together to fight for the greater good," Johnny spoke out, breaking the silence, just making Kenshi groan at the loss of peace. So he thought 'Fine why not give him the attention he so desperately wants.'. So he'd fire back at Cage- "And why would I do that-? Especially since you've stolen Sento from my family." Kenshi scoffed, now moving to sit up on his futon, giving Johnny a sour look. "Stole?! Man, I bought that with my own money. It's not my fault your family was clumsy enough to lose it." Johnny scoffed, propping himself up on his elbows to look back at Kenshi. "Oh yeah, real mature—. Moron." he insulted Johnny. "Okay whatever, wannabe Mulan-" he huffed turning over to face his back towards Kenshi to try and adjust his blankets back on top of himself, tugging on them roughly as a way to show he wasn't so happy, but in all honesty it was childish pouting. "Oh, now that has to be racist." Kenshi scoffed and Johnny stopped to quickly look at the swordsman. "What no! I made it as a reference to you and your whole family honor thing you have going on!"... Kenshi gave him a moment to think about his reference, and it did quite take a moment... "You know what I can kinda see it now ... My bad..." The blonde man slumped back down into his futon with embarrassment. "Yeah see. Plus what would that make you—? A wannabe Johnny Bravo?" Kenshi smirked. "You did not—" The Action star glared at him from where he lay. "I think I just did." Kenshi egged on. "You asked for it."Johnny got up from his futon completely now, tired of his limbo and shifting around. He sprung forward, wrestling the swordsman to the ground. "You take that back you ass hole!", Johnny swore. Kenshi grunts falling back onto the floor trying to wrestle back to gain any control so he could get Cage off of him. "What should I have to apologize for? You're the one who started it, you toddler!". They grunt and roll around on the ground as they kick and tug at one another, causing the things and walls around them to rattle. That was until the door to their room slid wide open in a swift swoosh. "Would you two stop it already!" it was Kung Lao, and he did not look like a happy camper...Lao marched over and tore the two apart from one another, pulling Cage off top of Kenshi. "Come on you two. Get along already!" he scolded looking down at the two who were all messy from their squabble. "Just look at you two—. How are we supposed to protect the Earthrealm when you two keep bickering at one another like a couple of children?" He continued scolding them, "I mean come on- we are all trying to sleep and it's just back and forth and back and forth with you two arguing." the two sat awkwardly at Lao's feet embarrassed. He was right. After all, they were here calling one another names when they needed to be focused on saving and protecting Earthrealm.

The two sat there in silence, mostly because they weren't sure if that was all Lao wanted to scold them for, they had been pretty disruptive. But, after a good second, Johnny decided it was a good time to speak up."He's right...Look Knshi, I'm sorry about the stuff I said about your family and the sword." Johnny glanced over to him when he apologized to the swordsman but was too embarrassed to keep eye contact.
Kenshi awkwardly shifted where he sat, not sure how to take the apology...to be fair the guy jumped him just moments ago "Uh- yeah...I'm sorry too, for instigating you that is. It was immature of me to do so." He looked to Cage and held out a hand to make a truce with the other." It's no problem. I did kinda deserved it.", Johnny took the other man's hand with a firm shake to agree to the truce. "There, much better. So now if you'd excuse me, I'd like to go to bed in peace please." Lao stated, taking a step back with a small sigh of relief that he could finally get some quiet. Lao headed out of their room to close the door behind him, setting out to his room that was just next door to them.

It was just them again in the dimly lit room after the door closed. They just stayed sat in their places till they heard Lao go back to his room. Leaving the two of them to awkwardly get back into their futons and fix themselves. Yet, even though they made this truce between themselves and apologized. It still was very tense in the room-. Johnny started to realize that this wasn't going to end well for them if they didn't get this resolved... He didn't want to die because of a small fight and name-calling.
"So...what exactly is your plan once we head back to Earthrealm?" He asked in an attempt to clear the air between them. "I don't know.", Kenshi answered shortly. "Yea, me too...", Johnny mentioned to him in hopes Kenshi would take this chance to get to know one another better. "I'm pretty exhausted, Cage." Kenshi more politely declined the conversation this time.
He could tell it was something quite personal to him. "Sure thing.", Johnny sighed, rolling over to lay on his side. His back facing Kenshi's. "Maybe another time..." Kenshi added in a more hushed tone. "Sounds good to me Ken-doll.". Now it was time for rest, and tomorrow they would have to track down Shang Tsung.

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